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Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Page 3
Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Read online
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I couldn’t quite make her out at first, but as soon as I realized it was a defenseless naked woman, I let my guard down slightly. I may regret that later, if she decides to gut me in my sleep. She seems like a nice enough person and bloody gorgeous as well. Maybe I could get to know her more in the morning. Maybe I could get her to stay for an omelet and coffee. I may not be the best cook, but I do make a mean breakfast.
Lost in thought, I don’t feel Shadowbolt turning his head to me, nudging me.
“Hey there, Boy. Does your owner know how lucky she is to have a handsome horse like you?” I smile, rubbing my stubble against his muzzle, “gorgeous boy for a gorgeous woman, hmm?” I say, as Shadowbolt nuzzles back, “I like you too, Boy,” I chuckle.
“I thought you were going to bed, seems more like you’re having a little love fest,” I hear Alina say. I turn towards her and see her smirking with her arms folded in front of her.
“Oh, umm, sorry. I just really love horses and he’s a real beauty. So gentle and tame. He’s truly a magnificent stallion. You’re extremely lucky to have one with his temperament and in such wonderful condition,” I stammer out quickly. The locals always thought I was a little weird around horses. How I was a bit obsessive with them. I mean who wouldn’t be? They’re wonderful animals. Most of the time they’re better than people.
“Nah, it's alright. I don’t have a problem with you snuggling up to my horse,” she smiles, moving closer to Shadowbolt and placing her hand on his flank to rub large circles.
We stand next to each other in comfortable silence, just petting the stallion. I can’t help taking quick glimpses at Alina, noticing more of her stunning features. Adorable freckles cover her face, full dusky pink lips that look so kissable. She really is beautiful. My gaze moves further down over her shirt covered body. My shirt, mine. Damn it mate, get your head together, before you freak the poor woman out with your creeper vibes.
“Okay. Well, I am going this time. Hopefully I’ll see you both in the morning?” I say roughly, stepping away from them, raising my hand to scratch the back of my neck. Why am I so nervous about her maybe not being here in the morning?
“Hopefully,” she replies with a small smile. “Thank you again Killian. I really am grateful.”
With a quick nod, I head off back towards the empty house. Maybe putting some distance between Alina and myself will make my head clearer and stop me from wanting things I shouldn’t.
Not bloody likely.
I sigh, climbing the steps up to the porch, I take one last look over my shoulder towards the barn and the captivating woman before heading inside to endure what will probably be an uncomfortable sleepless night.
As I watch Killian walk away, I can’t help but smile. He is probably one of the kindest men I have ever met. I feel sort of safe with him, which is extremely unusual for me. You don’t live for centuries and not have trust issues. I’ve had to guard my heart just as much as my body over the years. People were always trying to worm their way into my life, whether to use me or abuse me. It didn’t matter, they all got burnt eventually.
“Someone’s a little smitten,” I hear Shadowbolt chuckle lightly.
I turn to face him with a smirk. “You can talk, ‘Sweetcheeks’,” I mentally tease.
“What? He’s an attractive man. Did you see that ass? Fuck me, you could bounce a quarter off that juicy rump and launch it into space. Besides he knows just how to stroke me right,” he replies with a wink. Wait horses can wink? You learn something new every day.
“Yeah, but you’re a horse! You can’t go talking like that, it’s weird!” I say confused.
I hear a throat clear behind me. I turn abruptly, almost staggering over my own feet.
Standing in the open doorway of the barn is Killian, holding a glass of water and wearing an extremely confused expression.
He glances from me, to Shadowbolt, and then back to me again, eyebrows rising up so far they almost disappear into his hairline.
“Umm, I thought you would like some water?” His puzzled voice would be almost comical, if it wasn’t for the fear he thinks I’m a looney, and is probably going to call a psych team on me.
“Uh. Yeah. Thank you,” I stammer out as I take the glass from his outstretched hand.
Taking a quick sip, I clear my throat and look to a still confused Killian.
“Awkward,” Shadowbolt chuckles behind me.
I turn to scowl at him. “Shut it, this is your bloody fault."
“Hey don’t blame me. It’s not my fault you forgot to use your ‘inside’ voice.” His chuckle turns into a bellow of laughter. My scowl deepens.
“Uh, if I’m interrupting, I can always come back later. You know when you’re not glaring daggers at your horse or talking to him,” Killian says with a strained chuckle.
I turn back to face him with a weak smile. Yep, he thinks I’m crazy.
“Only a little, Sparky. Hey, maybe we can get matching cells.” Shadowbolt is completely cracking up behind me. I bet if he was human, he’d be rolling around the floor clutching his stomach. Well, at least someone finds this amusing.
“Sorry, sometimes I pretend he can speak back to me. I know that’s probably cra—”
“That’s not crazy, Love. Odd, yes. But not crazy. We all have our quirks, don’t ever be afraid to show yours,” he leans closer to whisper, as if sharing a secret, “after all, being normal is seriously overrated.”
He steps back with a comforting grin gracing his lips, and begins walking backwards toward the doorway.
“You have a nice night Alina. Remember turn left after the fireplace, then take the first door on your left. Bathroom’s next door. Sleep well.”
With one last look to me then Shadowbolt, he turns and leaves.
I breathe out, trying to relax after that extremely awkward encounter. Trying to clear my mind I can still hear Shadowbolt chuckling lightly.
“Will you knock it off fuckwad? It’s not that funny.”
“Hey Sparky, no need for such crude language. And you’re right it wasn’t funny. It was hilarious. Did you see his face? My gods, he looked so confused. So cute too.”
“Will you just stop it already? I don’t need to hear about any of that.”
“So, let’s get this straight. Horses can’t have thoughts and feelings? And now I can’t say if I find someone attractive? Yep. You’re definitely horsist.” He chuckles.
“I’m not horsist asshole. That’s not even a fucking word. And no, you can’t say a human is attractive. Do you know why? Bestiality that’s why, it’s gross and fucked up.” I shudder, thoroughly creeped out. All I can hear is Shadowbolt’s rich laugh echoing through my mind.
“You’re one weird cookie, Sparky.” He finishes, moving further into the warmth of the barn. I follow behind.
I know I said to Killian I would take the spare bed, but I’m still not one hundred percent sure it’s safe. As I said huge trust issues. I can see a large pile of hay that looks comfy and I move closer to it, intending to make a bed for myself.
“What are you doing? Why are you not going inside?” Shadowbolt asks, stepping closer to me.
“I dunno. I guess I’ll just feel safer staying here, that’s all,” I reply with a shoulder shrug.
“He won’t hurt you, you know. I can sense things like that. He’s providing you with shelter, clothes, and probably a meal in the morning. You don’t need to be afraid of him. Besides, I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. You would just have to yell to my mind and I’d break the fucking door down for you,” he says, nuzzling his head against me.
“I know, I know. But it’s difficult to change my perspective on a person after one interaction. I’ve been hurt before and even though he’s supposedly nice, I can’t help feeling a little apprehensive.” I snuggle him back, enjoying his warmth. How is it I have grown so close to him in such a short time?
“You’ll be alright Sparky. If you want to stay here, you’re more than welcome.
But maybe you should go and grab the clothes that hunk left out for you,” he replies with a nudge.
“Eww. I’m still not okay with you voicing your crush on him.”
“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad. You can’t tell me you don’t find Killian attractive. Because if you don’t, I think you need your bloody eyes tested,” he rears his head back to shake his mane. “Let me tell you something, Sparky. If I was human, I would’ve marched into that house and had my wicked, wicked way with him by now,” he finishes smugly.
“Eww, eww, eww.” I cringe, stepping back from him. He just shakes his head again as he laughs. “Fine. I’m leaving. But if anything happens to me, I’m coming back and castrating you. Got it?” I yell aloud over my shoulder, stomping towards the house.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea, Sparky. With balls as big as mine, you’d need a chainsaw to get rid of these bad boys,” the cocky bastard mentally yells back.
“I have no need for a chainsaw. I prefer barbequed nuts anyway,” I quip. Glancing quickly over my shoulder, I see Shadowbolt visibly shudder and I smirk.
Reaching the back of the house, I ascend the back steps quickly and quietly, and push through the slightly ajar door.
As I step into what I presume is the lounge I hear soft snores fill the air. Sounds like Killian fell asleep. I breathe a sigh of relief at the thought I don’t need to have any more interactions tonight.
Killian had kindly left a small table lamp on for me so I could maneuver around without bumping into things. I can just make out the soft furnishings in the dim light. Hmm, they look very feminine. Shaking my head at my absurdness, I followed the directions Killian had given me in the barn.
The door has been left open, and an overhead bed lamp has been left on for me. Wow, he really is thoughtful.
Spread out on the bed are the clothes that he had mentioned. A dark grey pair of sweatpants, an oversized navy hoodie and what appears to be a pair of men’s black boxer shorts. These must be his.
The room is compact, but it has a warm homely feel about it. Only the double bed, bedside cabinet, chair and wardrobe can fit inside this tiny room, but it doesn’t feel crowded.
Entering the room properly, I shut the door behind me, and I’m delighted to see that I can lock it. You can never be too careful. Once I am satisfied it’s secured, I swiftly change into the provided clothes, they all smell like Killian’s warm earthy tones. I smile to myself. Maybe just this once I have found a decent, compassionate person.
I throw back the covers on the comfortable looking bed and dive in. Tucking myself in, I notice I am surrounded by a delicious scent of lilies. Taking in a big lungful of air I enjoy the scent of the bedding and snuggle further in.
I dim the overhead lamp, the soft warm light illuminating the room, casting shadows against the walls. I hate sleeping in complete darkness.
The dark is where the monsters find me.
I let out a small shudder and take one last look at the locked door. I reach out in my mind and say goodnight to Shadowbolt. I can hear a faint whisper of ‘sweet dreams, Sparky’ echo back, and with a contented sigh I fall asleep.
Many Centuries Ago…
“Are you sure about this, Birdy?” Branor asks concerned. “We don’t have to do anything now. We could wait until after our marriage ceremony if you would prefer?”
“No, my love. I don’t wish to wait. We have waited for so long already. I want to be your woman, in body as I am already in heart and soul. I want you to show me your love. I want us to be one. Please,” I say with a shy smile, trembling a little.
Branor looks at me with such affection it stills my heart. Six summers have passed since he asked me to be his girl and we have plans to marry next summer. No one in our village had explained about the dynamics of sexual love. Although we have seen our bodies react to one another over the summers we have shared, we have never tried anything. We were too scared or too shy, I’m not sure which.
It wasn’t until we had accidentally stumbled upon a man taking his wife, did we think we should try the same. I was mesmerized by the way the man entered his wife over and over again. Her face twisted in pleasure, her back arched and fingers clawing at the man’s shoulders. I had felt the familiar tingling down below as I watched them. The same feeling I got when I accidently saw Branor bathe. We had snuck away just as the man finished on his wife’s stomach, leaving a creamy substance dribbling down over her skin.
That was only a few mornings ago and I had been eager to try the act with my Branor ever since. The anticipation fogging my mind with the idea of being fully one with my love.
“Where did you go, my sweet Birdy?” Branor softly voices. His voice had grown deeper over the summers, yet it still had a softness to it that made my heart flutter faster.
“Nowhere. I am here with you. Always,” I reply placing my hand upon his cheek.
He tenderly strokes my hair from my face as we lay side by side on the bed of hay we had made together. A pleasurable shiver runs through me from his calloused fingers softly grazing my temples. I smile up to him, hoping to convey just how much I love him.
“I love you Alina. By the stars, do I love you. No matter what, I will always be here, I will always care for you, love you, support you, and worship you. And no matter where you go or how far apart we are, my love will find you. I will always find you. And when you are round with my children, I will love them just as much. I promise you this now and for all time,” he says, as a tear falls down my cheek.
“And I you. Now and for all of time. I love you,” I reply with a joyful smile.
Branor moves his large body over me, resting his large arms just above my head. He smiles down at me, his long dirty blond hair falling down around us like a curtain, as if cocooning us in our own little world. A world of no anger, sadness or disappointment. Just us.
I reach up to pull Branor down, so our chests are touching, only a thin layer of material between us. We are still wearing our upper garments, still too shy to know any different. I can feel his fingers glide slowly over my outer thigh as he runs his large hand up, tenderly caressing the skin leaving goose bumps in its wake.
A nervous shiver runs through me. After seeing the man and his wife, we had asked a local healer woman what we should expect from the act of sexual love. She had explained that the first time and perhaps a few times after it would hurt for me. She said it would be quick and would leave a trickle of blood similar to my moon cycles. And once that was done, it should become more pleasurable for both of us. We were told, there would be a chance it could result in children and I remember the joy that had spread over Branor’s face, and mine for that matter. I decided there and then I would go through any amount of pain there was just to see that joy on my love's handsome face.
Branor rests his body against me further; placing more of his large weight on me. Although he is heavy, I don’t feel squashed or trapped. All I feel is home. His hand has now moved between our bodies, and I can feel his fingers caress my slick sensitive skin as he positions himself. Tingles of pleasure shoot from my most sensitive parts as I gaze into his mesmerizing eyes.
“Ready my sweet Birdy?” He asks, his voice cracking with emotion he can’t seem to contain.
“I’m ready,” I reply on an exhale, my smile wide and contented tears in my eyes.
He begins to push forward. I can feel myself stretch and mold to his girth, a tight pulling sensation, though not painful. He pushes forward some more and I can feel my body trying to resist, my fingertips warming as a dull ache spreads through me.
Branor’s breathing is becoming more labored the more he enters me. “Gods Alina, you feel magical,” he says kissing my temple, before resting his nose against mine and gazing affectionately into my eyes.
“I love you,” he whispers as he pushes through my maidenhood and claims me as his woman. The pain is sharp and leaves me breathless for a moment. However, it’s not unwelcome, as it is proof my love has claimed me.
nbsp; He thrusts several times, my body brushing against the soft hay with the movement. His thrusts get harder with each sharp intake of breath that leaves my body. It hurts, but there is still a slight tingle of pleasure lurking in the depths.
A few more thrusts and Branor lets out a guttural sound that reverberates through his body and I feel his liquid warmth between my legs.
“I’m sor—” he breathes deeply, “I’m sorry if I hurt you. If I was too quick or if—” he tries to stammer out, as I place my finger against his lips.
“Please don’t be sorry my love. It was perfect. You are perfect. Besides, we have all the time in the world for practicing.” I giggle moving my finger to give him a quick peck on the lips.
Branor rolls off of me and reaches for a clean rag nearby. As he sets himself on the task of gently cleaning me with one hand, he places his other over my stomach.
“Do you think our baby is in there?” He asks his face lit up with a hopeful grin.
“Perhaps. Only time will tell,” I reply, watching him tenderly looking after me.
“Oh, I do hope so. I would love nothing more than to have you as the mother of my children,” he says just as he finishes cleaning me. Lying beside me, he pulls me closer so I can rest my head on his chest, his warm, strong arms encasing me in the feeling of love.
I listen to his strong heartbeat as his chest rises and falls with his gentle breathing. Safe in his arms, I know there is nothing we can’t accomplish together. With a quiet exchange of our love we settle down for the night, wrapped in each other’s embrace.
My eyes are just starting to close when I hear a menacing snigger, which sends icy chills down my back.