Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Read online

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  “Oh, look at you. Don’t you look happy? It would be such a shame to ruin that, wouldn’t it, hmm?” A rumbling voice, dripping with malice asks.

  I frantically reach for Branor and realize he’s not there. Where is he?

  “Oh, looking for lover boy? Oh, don’t worry, you’ll see him soon enough, very soon,” the voice spits out.

  I whip my head around looking for the source of the evil voice and see nothing, the room too dark to make anything out.

  “I’ll be seeing you, Darlin’, just you wait,” I hear it call, before disappearing into silence again.

  I look around again, trying to find Branor, he must be here somewhere. He would never leave me.

  As my frightened eyes dart around the room, I am abruptly grabbed from behind. Hot, searing pain pierces my wrists as I feel the bite of something enclose them.

  “What… What’s happening?” I stammer out, trying to fight through the unbearable pain. My body slumps forward, my vision becoming hazy.

  “It’s time for me to have some fun now, Little Bird.” A different distorted and wicked voice snarls from behind me. I’m pushed forward until my nose is buried into the hay that litters the ground, fragments ending up in my mouth, eyes, and nose.

  I’m roughly flipped onto my back, as more pain radiates from my wrists as I squeeze my eyes shut. I feel something being pushed into the skin of my stomach that doesn’t register at first. Until I feel an immense burning, the pain like nothing I have ever experienced consumes me until I can’t think, only feel. The smell of burning flesh marring my senses.

  Struggling to open my eyes to see my attacker, I am greeted by sinister crimson eyes rimmed with black, glowing orbs of hate and wickedness.

  The creature's mouth turns up into a sickening grin, “it’s playtime, Little Bird.”

  With nothing else to do, I let out a bloodcurdling scream.


  Present Day

  I am startled awake by an ear-piercing scream that penetrates down to my bones.


  Jumping up from my bed, I run in the direction of the distressing sound. As I stumble down the hallway half dazed, I hear another scream fill the air, chilling my very soul.

  I reach the spare room door and grasp the handle, hoping to get to her as quickly as possible.

  But the door is locked. Of course, it’s locked you fool, she doesn’t trust you.

  Dread consumes me when I hear more of her harrowing screams. Without a second thought, I rear back, raising my leg and kick the fucking door down.

  The wood splinters and buckles and I push myself into the room.

  The sight that greets me is Alina thrashing about on the bed, her back arched as if in pain. Tears streak her cheeks, her eyes squeezed tight. Her arms flail about, as more agonizing cries rake through her body.

  I run to her side intending to calm her down, to wake her, to do something, anything to help her. I try to reach for her shoulder and I am promptly smacked in the face by one of her swinging arms, the force knocking me to the ground. Damn, she’s strong.

  I rise to my feet again, starting to move forward, when I hear a loud bang echo through the room. The noise intensifies and I realize it’s coming from the shuttered bedroom window.

  Looking from the pained woman to the window, I decide not to get hit again and find out what the noise is.

  Stepping closer to the window, I reach out and unclasp the lock, sliding the inner window up, before pushing against the old wood to open the shutters.

  I am nearly smacked in the head again by a pair of large hooves. I stumble back slightly to avoid being hit.

  Shadowbolt’s panicked grunts fill my ears, the poor creature is shaking, desperately trying to get to his owner.

  “There, there, Boy. It’s alright, she’s going to be okay. As soon as I can get near her, I’ll help her. I promise. Okay?” I whisper gently as I edge closer.

  He moves so his head is now through the window and inside the room. I brush my hand along his muzzle, repeating comforting words to soothe him. They have such an astoundingly close bond.

  Once he is settled and happy he can see Alina, I move back toward her.

  Her arms are no longer flailing about. Her body just trembling slightly from her sobs.

  I perch on the edge of the bed and reach out once more to check her. She feels hot to the touch, almost as if she was burning up. I remove the covers that have twisted around her, to hopefully allow her to cool down.

  I gently push her shoulder so she is now lying on her back. Her breathing is levelling out as she settles. I can see her tear stained, blotchy red cheeks. Her eyes fly open and when my eyes meet hers they are empty, void of any emotion, full of nothing.

  In that moment I’m not sure what is more heartbreaking. The hysterical woman filled with pain and anguish or the empty numb husk that appears to be left in its place.


  I can feel Alina’s agonizing cries in my head, penetrating my brain. The emotion so strong and thick it renders me senseless.

  Images of pain and suffering flash through my mind, everything moving so fast I can’t make anything out properly. But her pain is everywhere, like tiny sharp knives being stabbed through my skull over and over. Her distressed cries are all I can hear, all I can feel. They consume me, entrap me, and all I can do is cry with her.

  Her actual cries may have physically stopped, but I can still feel them inside her head, trapping her within her mind. I can feel her clawing trying to escape the unbearable pain she’s experiencing. I shout to her, tell her I am here, but I don’t think she can hear me above her anguished mental screams.

  I wish I could help release her from the prison of her own mind. I wish I could save her, but I’m trapped just as much as she is, maybe even more.


  “Alina! Alina!” I can hear their voices shout, but I am powerless to do anything. Trapped within the confines of my own mind. I want to scream back. I want them to help me. I want to be saved. Just this once I want to escape the never-ending torment with their help. Rich and deep tones combining in a cacophony of warmth and compassion.

  But I can’t reach them.

  I am alone.

  Always alone.


  Alina’s body trembles, her skin is still burning up as I call her name, trying to shake her from whatever is happening.

  Quickly getting up, I rush into the bathroom next door to her room and grab a washcloth and wet it. Then move swiftly back into the room and climb onto the bed beside her.

  Taking the damp washcloth, I lightly press it against her forehead, hoping to cool her down. As it makes contact with her skin, I can hear a faint sizzling sound and notice steam rising from the material. What? Where did the steam come from?

  Shaking my head in confusion, I continue trying to cool Alina down. Her empty eyes blink slowly back at me, before closing softly. Her skin has become almost translucent, making the numerous freckles appear darker. Truly beautiful.

  Her breathing begins to slow and even out, as if sleeping. I take a moment to softly graze my knuckles against her smooth cheek. My skin tingles as it connects with hers, little ripples of sensation shoot through me, warming me. That’s weird. She still feels warm to the touch, but not as hot as before, so at least that’s something.

  I gaze at the mesmerizing woman laid out on the bed. I wish I knew more about her, maybe then I could’ve helped. What kind of nightmares must she be experiencing to get in this state? I hope when she wakes up, she’ll talk to me.

  That’s when I realize I don’t want her to leave in the morning. At least not until I’ve found a way to help her. There must be something wrong, why else would she be wandering about naked at night, in the middle of nowhere?

  I carefully remove my hand from her cheek, moving to stand to rewet the washcloth.

  I feel her hand quickly grip mine, fingers trembling against my own. Relief flows through me when I see she
is more responsive. Looks like the cold washcloth did the trick.

  “Please. Don’t go,” she rasps out. Her eyes are wide open, staring straight into my soul.

  “Never.” I smile down at her. My hearts thumps away in my chest as I move back onto the bed, so my back rests against the headboard.

  She looks up at me, a tiny smile gracing her lips. Warmth and color return to her stunning eyes, plus something more, she looks almost grateful.

  As I settle myself down for the night, I look toward Shadowbolt. He’s still standing with his head poked through the window. His eyes intensely focused on the woman next to me, shining with what I can only describe as devotion.

  He looks to me and stares back as if studying my intentions. He must have seen something he agreed with, because he nods his large head and backs out of the window and heads toward the barn.

  I glance down at Alina, who’s staring back at me. Color has returned to her cheeks and her eyes are brighter.

  “You alright, Love?”

  She nods her head in reply, before settling back into bed. Reaching over, I turn out the bedside lamp, before sliding down the bed a bit to make myself more comfortable. And maybe a little closer to Alina.

  I close my eyes and I’m about to drift off to welcomed sleep, when I hear her quiet voice break through the dark silence.

  “Thank you.”

  “What for, Love?”

  “For everything,” she replies, snuggling more into the bedcovers.

  I watch as her eyes close, her breathing levels out, and it’s not long before I can hear soft snores fill the room.

  I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. I glance over to Alina once more, to make sure she’s okay, before I too fall asleep.


  I wake from my dreamless sleep to the bright glare of morning light filtering through the open window. I yawn and stretch out my aching joints, enjoying the feel of the movement loosening my tired muscles.

  Scanning the room, my eyes land on Killian asleep on the bed next to me. An arm is casually thrown over his face, his mouth hanging open. He’s releasing some pretty loud snores.

  Damn that’s loud for first thing in the morning.

  I lazily smile at his comatose form. I managed to escape the prison of my nightmares because of him and Shadowbolt. I heard their voices cutting through the fog, calling me back to them. I had strained against the wall in my mind, but I couldn’t seem to break through. Not until Killian had touched me.

  His touch had sent sparks of electricity through me, kickstarting my mind again, bringing me out of my confusion. No ones touch has done that to me, not in centuries, not since…

  I shake my head to try and forget the past. There’s no need to remember, not when everything I ever held dear is gone, with no way to bring it back.

  Deciding not to think any more about it and what his touch could mean, I climb out of bed. I stealthily move across the floor and out the door so I can use the bathroom.

  Once I’m finished, I peek my head around the bedroom door to see if Killian is still asleep.

  He’s now spread out across the bed, in a pose resembling a starfish, snoring louder than before. From the way his T-shirt clings to his stomach I can clearly see well defined muscles. Trailing my gaze up I can see the T-shirt straining against his chest and his thick biceps. He looks strong, powerful, but also incredibly adorable lying there.

  He’s very attractive and compassionate. It’s been too long since anyone has shown me kindness. And yet he offered a place to sleep and clothes, even though he saw a bit of my crazy slip out in the barn.

  I smile to myself as I take one last look at an adorable looking Killian.

  I quietly sneak through the house and make my way outside, heading toward the barn.

  “Morning, Sparky. How are you feeling?” I hear Shadowbolt’s deep voice resonate through me, surprising me. I look up to see him waiting in the doorway of the barn.

  “Morning. I’m good, I suppose. What about you?”

  “Could be better. Can’t really sleep properly when you’re worried about someone.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you awake. It’s just, well, ahh, I dunno. It is what it is unfortunately.”

  I reach the barn and slump down to the floor next to Shadowbolt, my back resting against the wall.

  “How long have you been having these nightmares?” he asks stepping closer to me, lowering his head to rub his nose against the top of my head.

  I lean in to his gentle touch. It feels comforting, almost as if I’m not alone in this unforgiving world.


  “That long huh? What started them?”

  “I’d rather not talk about it, if that’s alright with you. I feel like shit and I just don’t feel like sharing.” I rest my head back against the wall, trying to take calming breaths as I force things back I don’t wish to relive. “Can we change the subject please?”

  “Of course. How much do you actually know about the Gods?” he asks, his blue eyes piercing through me.

  “I guess as much as anyone. I dunno, there’s so many. I learnt about them in school back in my first life. Why?”

  “Do you know who the Goddess Neris is?”

  “Yes. She’s the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom. Didn’t you say she was the one who sent you to me?”

  “I did indeed. I was told you may find a use for me. I was to provide my assistance to you. For what purpose, I’m not entirely clear. But I believe I am meant to help protect you, I guess from your nightmares.”

  “Protect me? You? You’re a horse,” I laugh. “Do you have any idea what I have been through? How my nightmares are not just confined to my sleep and to the dark?” My heartbeat begins to race, my anger emanating from all the years of suffering.

  “They are here with me, haunting me. Trying to corrupt my soul. It eats away at me, every-single-fucking-time. I have to relive all of my horrors within my mind every single moment, every single breath. I haven’t rested in centuries. Do you get that? Centuries. And for some high and mighty Goddess to suddenly offer me her help? Well, I’m sorry. Thanks, but no thanks Shadowbolt.” I feel my skin prickle with heat, as I grind out the words.

  “I hate I have been left alone to fend for myself. That no one thought to help me sooner. I’m lonely. So fucking lonely. I have been trapped reliving the same thing over and over and over again. There’s only so much more I can give. I just. I just. Can’t.” Angry tears fall as I ball my fists trying to hold back my rage

  I had jumped to my feet during my outburst, anger and hatred for my anguish fuelling my words. Why do the gods have so much say over the lives of others?

  “Because they do, Sparky. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but it’s true. We are all bound by the laws of the gods. If they could have helped sooner, they would have, believe me.” Shadowbolt’s pained voice tries to soothe me, and I try to snap out of my rage.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you like that. I suppose I have anger issues as well as trust issues, huh?” I weakly smile, closing the distance between us, I rest my head against his muzzle, seeking his warmth.

  He replies with a faint chuckle, rubbing his head against me.

  “It’s okay, Sparky. I don’t completely understand everything. What I do know is you’re suffering and have been for an extremely long time. That’s enough to break anyone.” He stops for a moment, letting out a sigh. “And as for being lonely, you don’t need to be, not anymore. You have me. You don’t need to carry your burdens on your own anymore. Just tell me what you need and I will do anything for you.”

  His voice sounds strong and determined enough to give me a little hope that maybe this time I can defeat my mental demons.

  I smile a little at his thoughtfulness and I reach up to run my fingers through his beautiful mane.

  “Ha, I thought I would find you out here,” Killian’s smooth voice chuckles from behind us, making me turn quickly.
/>   “Oh sorry, did I wake you?”

  “No, no, of course not. I was more worried that I must have woken you. I’ve been told I’m a terrible snorer,” he rambles out quickly. His handsome face transforms with an adorable blush that sweeps across his cheeks.

  “The snoring wasn’t that bad. The sunlight woke me up and I thought I’d come and check on Shadowbolt.”

  “Okay. Umm I just put a pot of coffee on and I’m about to make some breakfast. Would you like some when you’re finished here?” he asks with a hopeful smile.

  “That would be lovely actually. I do really need some coffee to wake me up.”

  “Don’t worry, this brew is so strong it’ll put hair on your eyeballs,” he grins. “I’ll see you inside in a bit.”

  With a cheerful smile he turns and heads back up to the house, leaving me alone with Shadowbolt once more.

  “You like him.” I hear him taunt as he shakes his mane out.

  “What? Like you don’t? Unless you have something useful to say, shut it.” I playfully snap, to which Shadowbolt responds with a deep chuckle.

  “I never realized how much fun it was to annoy people until I met you, Sparky. It helps you’re so easily irritated. You’re a perfect source of amusement.”

  I huff out an annoyed breath. I’m definitely irritated. But two can play that game.

  “Whatever you say, Miggles.”

  “What?” His laughing slows, and he just stares at me.

  “You heard me. I’ve decided your new nickname is Miggles.”

  “But why?” His voice is laced with utter confusion.

  “Because you have an amusing miggle, that’s why,” I try to say through tiny giggles of my own.

  “What the fuck is a miggle?”

  “It’s a man giggle. Seeing as you’re such a cocky bastard all the time, I thought it would suit you.”

  Shadowbolt looks at me with a confused expression. That’s such a funny look for a horse.