Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Read online

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  “What did you just say, you oversized pony? I didn’t ask for, nor do I need your help. I’ve coped this long without anyone's help, so why now? What stopped this Goddess of yours from helping me before, hmm? Has she been swanning about watching me suffer over and over, enjoying her grapes and wine, and then suddenly thinks, ‘oh I know what would be fun, let’s help the poor little freak’? Well thanks, but no thanks. I’ve survived this long without anyone, why change things now.” I angrily swipe the escaped tear and turn away from him, trying to prevent my anger and frustration from bubbling to the surface.

  I can feel him move closer, until his muzzle nudges against my arm. His warm breath tingling my bare skin. I turn around to face him.

  “Please don’t cry, Sparky. Look if I offended you, then I apologize. I was rude and I shouldn’t have called you strange or made the comment about psychiatric help. Look, this is odd for me too. I have never left my Goddess’ side once. I have always been her pet, but Neris believed I could help you. I don’t know all the facts myself yet. All I was told was I was needed, so here I am. Just tell me what you need and I’ll do whatever I can,” he earnestly responds, lowering his head to allow me to stroke his muzzle.

  “I don’t know what I need to be honest. You would think after numerous centuries I would have some kind of idea as to what I need. I’ve never had someone to rely on or to ask for help from. It’s always been just me. I don’t know how to ask for what I need. I don’t even know what I’m doing most of the time, I’m just too broken,” I hiccup out. I continue stoking the soft fur of Shadowbolt’s muzzle as he leans into my hand.

  “You’re not broken, maybe a little chipped and cracked around the edges. But no one is completely intact. The world is made of beautiful imperfections, and if that’s what it means to be broken, then let me help you gather up the pieces and try to make you whole again. I believe that’s what I’m here for, so you don’t have to bear the burden alone,” he replies. “On another note, your knowledge of Goddesses is a little outdated. They don’t swan about with grapes and wine. No, it’s more Netflix, onesies, French Toast, whiskey, and naughty fiction books about girls being lost on an island with six hunky men.”

  I swear if horses could smirk his would be the biggest.

  I chuckle slightly at the silliness of his tone. This infuriating beast can make me cry one minute, but laugh the next. I’ve only just met him, and he’s a bloody horse.

  “You know I can still hear you right? I may not hear all your thoughts, though you projected that one loud and clear. I’m not just a bloody horse, I’m a stallion baby, sent by the Goddess Neris herself to aid you. So, tell me, Sparky, what do you need?” His response rattles in my head.

  “Well for one, stop calling me Sparky, it’s annoying. Then two, I need to find some clothes before I catch a chill.” I tremble a little from the coldness of the dark night.

  “And where do you plan to find clothes? I’m not sure if you noticed, we're in the middle of the woods. Oh, and for the record, I’ll always call you Sparky, so the sooner you get used to it the better. Once I have made my mind up about something, it doesn’t change. Now back to the issue of covering your nakedness,” he looks me up and down, “not that I mind it though.”

  “Hey, stop doing that,” I ask, trying to walk away from him again.

  “Doing what?” he replies puzzled, following me.

  “Stop looking at me, and commenting on my nakedness, and just ahhh. It’s weird. I know you’re a horse, but every now and then you act like a man, a human man I mean. It just, well it creeps me out a bit okay,” I hastily reply, moving quicker to get away again.

  “Creeps you out? Hmm, sounds kind of fun, maybe I’ll continue doing it until you find some clothes. What do you think?” he chuckles following me around, nudging my arms with his muzzle, as if to move them out the way.

  “Stop it,” I chuckle, pushing him back with my hand, which he decides to nuzzle again.

  “I’m sorry. I just like teasing you. I’ve never had someone to tease before. Being the pet of a Goddess isn’t always shits and giggles. It can get lonely, and well, I like your fiery personality. If it creeps you out then I apologize, but I will never apologize for making you smile and giggle,” his voice lowers to a whisper, moving his head closer so I can scratch behind his ear.

  “Fair enough. This is just all new to me. I’ve been on my own for a long time, I don’t have friends. I couldn’t bear to watch them wither and die while I never age, it would be too heartbreaking. The fact you’re a horse and can talk to me in my head is sending my brain in so many different directions I’m just finding it all confusing,” I breathe out, stroking and scratching his ear and muzzle.

  “Come on, let’s find you some clothes. Where were you heading before I ‘popped’ up?” he asks with a slight head tilt.

  “Umm, that direction I guess. I noticed a farmhouse with smoke coming from the chimney. I’m hoping there may be something I can grab to wear, maybe a barn to sleep in for the night,” I shrug, carrying on my walk towards the farm.

  “You mean stealing something to wear? Why can’t you just knock on the door like a normal person and ask for help?” He slowly trots alongside me.

  “I’ve tried many times before. People would just stare at me funny, wondering why a crazy naked lady was at their door, before shooing me away. Other times, they were abusive and cruel. One of my early attempts at asking for help after a resurrection, the owner of the house tried to capture and rape me. Luckily, I was stronger than him, managed to shake him off me before nut-punching him and running away. I haven’t really asked for help since. It’s not worth the risk,” I say, trying to shrug off the horrible memories.

  “Damn, that sucks. I’m sorry I brought that up. Why is it almost every other word out of my mouth is sorry?”

  “Probably because you keep saying the wrong thing. You have a serious case of putting your foot in your mouth, or would that be hoof?” I smile, glancing at him.

  “Oh ha ha. You’re so funny. Look, I’m out of practice with this communicating palaver. You’ve had centuries to practice this stuff, I’ve been here, what two minutes? Cut a horse a break,” he replies, nudging me. I lightly shove him back, with a small smile.

  Soon the moss and rocks of the woodland floor open out to a gravel path, leading towards the house. A charmingly simple building with a porch, worn whitewashed walls, and shuttered windows. I notice a barn nearby that may provide shelter for the night.

  Warm light shines through the open downstairs window and I make sure to walk in the opposite direction.

  Shadowbolt walks close to my side as we creep around the outside of the house. Keeping my back against the worn wood, I try to make myself appear small and unnoticeable, which seemed pretty pointless considering I had a massive horse following me.

  Most of the shutters were closed over the windows, but a gentle stream of light shone through the double doors leading out to the back garden. I could see movement within, so someone was definitely home.

  I peek through the rails of the back porch and spot a large flannel shirt casually thrown over a comfy looking chair. Perfect.

  I remember Shadowbolt telling me that he can read my thoughts. Reaching out with my mind I tell him to stay where he is, I take a deep breath and sneak up the back steps.

  I cringe as the aged wood creaks under my bare feet, but manage to get to the top without making too much noise. I move as quickly and quietly as I can over to the chair and crouch behind it so I’m within reaching distance of the shirt, staying in the shadows.

  Taking my eyes off the back door, I reach forward, intending to pick up the discarded shirt.

  “Can I help you, miss?” A smooth voice startles me, making me jump back and hide behind the chair.

  “Umm, uh. It’s not what it looks like?” I stammer, moving further back into the shadows.

  “You mean you’re not trespassing on my property and attempting to steal my shirt?” he asks. His fa
ce was almost hidden by shadows, except for a small sliver of light cast from the open doors illuminating his raised eyebrow and stern glare.

  “Well, maybe,” I reply, trying to keep myself hidden as I reach for the flannel shirt, although it doesn’t stop me from accidentally revealing my bare shoulder and maybe a little side boob.

  “Wait a minute,” he says, taking a step forward, “are you naked?”

  “Well, if you let me put this shirt on, I won’t be,” I quip, as I swiftly grab the material in my hands and move back behind the chair.

  “Oh, okay then. May I ask why you are on my porch in the middle of the night, naked?” he asks, turning his back to allow me some privacy. Hmm, that’s strange. My hands still on the shirt, looking at the strangers back. No one has ever shown that kind of courtesy to me before. I shake my head in confusion, then remember I’m still naked.

  “Umm. I got a little drunk from a party and wandered off in the wrong direction?” I try to reply, pulling on the shirt and buttoning it quickly. The material is soft and warm, a subtle earthy aroma with a slight hint of whiskey engulfs my nostrils, making me smile.

  “I find that pretty hard to believe miss, seeing as we’re miles away from the next house,” he says, glancing back over his shoulder. Noticing I am covered, he turns around to face me.

  “If you don’t want to tell me what happened, that’s fine by me. You can keep your secrets, as long as you’re not going to try and murder me in my sleep, then we’re cool, okay?” He crosses his arms in front of him, revealing toned muscular biceps. I’m still shocked at how different he is from the other men I have met. He seems so laid back and carefree.

  “I swear I’m not going to maim or murder you in your sleep. I just needed something to wear and maybe somewhere to sleep for the night. I don’t suppose you’d let me sleep in your barn over there? I promise I’m no trouble and I’ll be gone in the morning,” I say quickly. I usually feel uneasy asking for help from strangers, but something about him seems safe. I just hope I’m right.

  “The barn? Why would I let you sleep in the barn? That doesn’t seem very hospitable, seeing as I have a few empty spare bedrooms. You’re more than welcome to one of them, there’s nothing worth stealing from here anyway. So as long as we’re clear on the no murdering part, then I think we’re good,” he replies, with a nod toward the open doors. I fumble with the buttons of the shirt, casting my eyes down, trying to settle my skittish brain. Why is he helping me? Why hasn’t he attacked me; I mean I don’t want to be attacked, but after all these years I got used to the certain way people acted around me. No one has ever done anything nice for me, at least not for a very long time.

  “Oh, okay. If you’re sure that it wouldn’t be an inconvenience to you,” I say, folding my arms around myself, trying to retain some warmth.

  “Hey, what about me? If you haven’t noticed, I can’t exactly get inside the house. Where am I going to sleep?” Shadowbolt’s deep voice queries, reminding me of my current walking companion.

  “Oh shit, I forgot about you for a moment, my bad,” I say aloud, gazing over to Shadowbolt, who now stands at the foot of the wooden steps.

  “Excuse me?” The stranger asks. I turn to see his quizzical face staring back.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean you. I meant the, umm, my horse, just there, see,” I reply quickly, pointing to him.

  The stranger turns towards where I’m pointing and notices Shadowbolt standing there.

  “Wow. You’re a very handsome fella, aren’t you,” he says, edging closer and offering his hand.

  “I could say the same about you, Sweetcheeks,” I hear Shadowbolt say with a low sensual growl in my mind as he leans into the man’s hand for a stroke, I release a small giggle in response, quickly covering my mouth to stifle it.

  “What’s so funny?” The man asks, glancing back at me briefly, before going back to stroking Shadowbolt.

  “Nothing. I think he likes you,” I say between my fingers, watching their interaction.

  “Good. I like him too. Such a magnificent specimen. Does he have a name?” he asks, not bothering to look at me this time, too focused on the stallion before him.

  “Ooh did you hear that? I’m a magnificent specimen. I like this guy, he appreciates me,” the cheeky stallion replies, nuzzling closer to the man.

  “Turncoat. It’s nice to know where your loyalties lie,” I reply as he chuckles in response.

  “His name is Shadowbolt. But I didn’t get yours. I’m Alina by the way,” I reply, stepping closer to the man. Silently thanking the Gods the shirt was long enough to cover all my important bits.

  “A strong name for a strong stallion, I like it. It suits him,” he says, finally turning away from the horse to face me, holding out his hand, “The name’s Killian Jameson, pleasure to make your acquaintance Alina.”

  The way he says my name is like a warm caress as it rolls off his tongue, a slight accent tinting his voice, which I hadn’t noticed before. He steps into the light that is cast from the open door, highlighting his features. I gaze up and gentle, warm eyes the color of molten chocolate are the first thing I notice. His strong stubble covered jaw and thick dark wavy hair add to his handsome features. The sleeveless shirt he was wearing showcased his taunt lean biceps, making me let out a little gasp. Damn, this man is good looking.

  “Ooh look someone else is starting to swoon,” I hear Shadowbolt smugly taunt, “remember, Sparky I can hear all of your thoughts, unless you block them.”

  “Shut it will you” I snap aloud. Killian looks at me like I’ve lost the plot, which I probably have to be honest. “Oh no, not you. Sorry, I meant that idiot,” pointing at Shadowbolt, which receives an even more puzzled look from Killian.

  “Okay. You’re a bit odd, aren’t you?” he queries with a confused smile.

  “Only a little,” I reply, pinching my thumb and forefinger together in front of my face to emphasize the small amount of crazy I may (definitely) have.

  “More like a lot, Sparky,” I hear Shadowbolt chuckle and I glare at him, making his rich laughter float through my mind.

  “Well, you definitely seem close with your horse is all I can say. So...Would you like me to show you to the barn, so you can set Shadowbolt up for the night?” Killian asks with a smile.


  “That would be great, thank you,” the beautiful woman answers, turning to once again glare at her horse. What a strange woman.

  Helping a damsel in distress was the last thing I was expecting to do tonight, but well, here I am.

  I point towards the nearby barn and Alina starts heading in that direction, with Shadowbolt trotting alongside her, I follow closely behind.

  We walk in silence and I can’t help but glance at Alina’s toned legs peeking out from beneath the hem of my shirt. Why is that so hot?

  She giggles at something, looking at her stallion. They definitely have a weird relationship. I’m used to the trainer and horse bond, having grown up around horses and spending most of my life around them. I have never witnessed a bond like this before, it’s almost as if they can talk to each other.

  Alina’s fiery hair cascades down her back in soft waves, finishing at the small of her back, and yeah, I’m checking out her butt now.

  Running a hand down my face to get my thoughts in order, I can see we have arrived at the battered old barn.

  “Here we go. There’s still plenty of straw and hay for him, I’m sorry I don’t have any feed at the moment, I could grab a few apples for now if you’d like?” I ask, showing the way in.

  “Don’t worry he’ll be fine until the morning, as long as he has somewhere to sleep. Won’t you, Boy?” Alina replies, looking at Shadowbolt as she says that, as if she’s asking him what he thinks. It almost looks like the horse nods in understanding. That’s weird.

  “Thank you again Killian, for everything. I really appreciate it,” she says, leading her stallion over to the farthest corner and settling him in for the night. Funny,
I never noticed there was no bridle or harness on him. Maybe she rides him bareback. Damn, I would like it if she rode me bareback. What! Where did that come from? Mentally slapping myself I look back to Alina, who’s now staring at me in an odd way.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks with her head tilted. I feel my cheeks burning and I know I must be blushing. Damn it.

  “Oh. Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” I quickly mention, “hey, I’m heading back up to the house now. Did you want to follow me now or stay here for a bit?”

  She looks toward her horse for a bit, then back at me, “if it’s okay with you, I would like to stay here for a bit. With it being a new place and all, I just want to know Shadowbolt is going to settle properly,” she replies with a small smile.

  “Okay. Sure, no problem. I’ll leave the back door open and I’ll make a bed up for you. When you walk in, turn left after the large fireplace, then take the first door on your left. It’s only a small room, but there’s a bed at least. The room next door is a small bathroom, if you feel the need to wash up,” I ramble, before once again noticing she’s still only in my shirt. Yep it definitely looks better on her. “I’ll leave some sweatpants, shorts and a hoodie on the bed for you as well if you want?” I offer.

  Her smile widens, “that would be great. Thank you.”

  “Well if you don’t need me anymore, I’m going to head off to bed,” I yawn, stretching my arms above my head. I watch as her golden eyes darken slightly with my movements. Maybe I’m seeing things.

  I stroll further into the barn, heading towards Shadowbolt. Reaching out, I run my hand along his back, feeling strong taunt muscles flex under my fingertips. He really is a wonderful specimen, about eighteen hands high. A gloriously smooth midnight black coat and mane. He appears to be a thoroughbred, maybe a show horse or possibly a stud. Either way, he’s a magnificent creature, just like his owner.

  This was not how I saw my evening going at all. I recall dumping my outer shirt on the chair before heading in to grab myself a whiskey and read through the mountain of paperwork I needed to go through. I remember leaning back to relax, when I heard the sound of crunching gravel and the creaking of the back-porch steps. At first, I thought it was nothing, but then I saw a shadow dart across the porch. I was tempted to grab my shotgun, but thought I would just take a quick peek first.