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Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Page 8
Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Read online
Page 8
“How many bedrooms does this house have?”
“Two downstairs, and three upstairs. The master, which was my father’s room and the other two are set up more like offices,” he replies following behind me.
Grasping the old oak bannister I run my fingers along the grainy wood as I ascend the stairs.
Killian once again points me in the right direction, before he steps in front of me to hold the door open.
“After you, Love.”
Walking in and looking around the room, I see a huge bed draped in a thick throw, a simple set of wooden drawers, a bedside table and a comfy looking armchair by the window. Simple and to the point.
“Just there, Love,” Killian says motioning to the wardrobe behind me, as he wanders forward to open the doors.
After he steps back a bit, I peek my head in the door to be greeted by a wall of pink.
“I’m afraid there’s probably not a huge choice of clothes in here.”
Killian gestures to the wardrobe full of crop tops, tiny dresses and even tinier shorts all in a gloriously disgusting shade of Pepto Bismol pink. She was meant to be a professional?
“Uh, yeah, I can see that. I think Barbie wants her slutty Halloween outfits back,” I reply brushing my fingers across a particularly ugly dress —if you could call it that—which appears to be made of a sheer lace material that would leave little to the imagination.
“She would wear this around the house when she was meant to be working?”
“Yeah, I don’t think my retinas ever fully recovered from the amount of skin she would have on show. I swear that woman had no morals.”
“Uh, I think it’s very kind of you to let me have a peek and I really do appreciate it, but I don’t think there will be anything suitable for me in here.”
“Yeah. Didn’t think so. Thought it may be a little overwhelming to be honest,” he chuckles.
He stands still, scratching the back of his neck for a few moments, taking a quick glance at the monstrosity called a wardrobe. A faint blush sweeps over his cheeks.
“You’re welcome to wear mine. Uh… I mean I have a load of clothes that are too small for me. I was thinking of dropping them off at the thrift store. But you’re welcome to rummage through and see if there’s anything you like.”
I smile gratefully at him.
Truth be told, his style of clothes would be better suited to me. I’m not really a tomboy, but I do feel more comfortable in jeans and a loose T-Shirt.
Comfortable clothes are easy to run in.
I shiver, trying not to think of my reasons for running.
“Actually, that would be great, thank you.”
“Really? I mean, we can still head into town, if you’d prefer?”
“No. That is, no thank you. Your old clothes will do the job perfectly. Seems a shame to waste fuel when there’s already something here I could wear,” I say quickly. The thought of being around more people when I’m still recovering from my regeneration still scares me, even after all this time. I mean, look what I did to Killian when I lost control for a moment.
No, it’s better to limit my interactions with others until I’m fully in control again.
“Of course, whatever you say, Love. Oh, I just remembered I have some new boxers you can have too, uh I mean, if you want?” He shyly smiles, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
“Thank you, that would be great,” I awkwardly smile back. At least I don’t have to go commando.
“Follow me, we’ll go grab those clothes now,” he replies with a warm, caring smile.
A girl could get used to that.
This week seems to drag on forever.
It’s really only been a few days since we arrived at the farm, it just feels longer.
Alina has been busy helping Killian out around the farm. I have heard them talking and laughing together like friends who have known each other for years, or maybe more.
I have tried to hold my envy back as much as possible, but it’s difficult when I can see her and hear her happy thoughts and not be the cause of it.
Green is definitely not a good color for me.
Although she has been fine during the day, I can still sense the nightmares she keeps experiencing. Dark foreboding thoughts echo through her mind, all I can sense is a haze of sadness, guilt, and anguish.
She hasn’t forgotten about me, we still have our talks and our back and forth banter, but I can’t help but feel a little second best compared to the man she spends most of her time with.
Killian is a good man, there’s no denying that. Heart as pure as gold that one. I just wish it was me she was spending so much time with.
I shudder off my self-pity when I hear Alina’s gentle voice call for me.
“You alright Sparky?”
“Hmm? Oh, I could be better, just have a terrible headache, it’s been bugging me all day. Feels like my skull cracking open. How are you Miggles?”
“Have you taken any painkillers?”
“Not yet, Killian just ran off to get me some. Said I should spend some time with you. He’s worried you may be jealous of him taking all my time. Umm, are you?” She tilts her head to the side, taking a long look at me as I think over how to reply.
“Jealous? Me? Nah, of course not, Sparky. What would make him think that?”
“He said he could see you hanging your head more and that you rarely eat anything he offers you. Supposedly, that’s the behavior of a sad animal.”
“According to Killian that is. I’m fine, Sparky. Don’t worry about me. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t enjoy your company, because I do. However, I also know you’re trying your best to help and that will take up a lot of your time. Honestly, don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” I’m lying through my teeth, I know I am. I do want more of her time. I am jealous. But I won’t tell her. I want to see her happy, that means more to me than my stupid feelings.
She slowly nods with a quizzical look. She probably knows I’m lying, but I’m keeping my mind closed from hers.
“Love? Are you in here? There you are. Here, I brought you some pills and water. Hopefully they’ll clear your head for you.” Killian smiles, walking through the doorway and striding over to Alina.
She takes the glass and pills from him before tossing them back with one gulp.
“Yeah, hopefully. Thank you,” she smiles back, passing him the empty glass.
“Do you often suffer from headaches?” Killian asks, sitting down on the floor near her feet.
“Sometimes. To be honest, my head is often muddled after a regeneration. I suppose it’s just trying to come to terms with everything that happens before and after,” she sighs.
“I remember you said you’re centuries old, but how many regenerations have you actually had? Why do you not look old?”
“Ha, Sweetcheeks, you really shouldn’t speak to a lady about her age.” I can’t help but chuckle at Killian’s question and Alina shoots me a little smile.
“I’ve lost count of how many times, so I couldn’t honestly say. As for the way I look, I presume it’s delayed aging. Up until my first regeneration, I aged normally like anyone else. Then after the first time, my aging physically slowed down so for every century that passed by, I age about one year or so.” She gazes down at her hands, deep in thought. I can’t seem to access whatever she’s thinking, there seems to be a mind block in place.
“Why do you regenerate to begin with? Do you just get bored and think it’s time for a makeover or something?” He asks looking up at her.
Stupid boy asking stupid questions.
I swear if I thought I could get away with it, I would kick him in the head.
“Umm. No. Unfortunately not. I wish it was that simple, that I had a choice in the matter.” She looks to me with eyes so full of pain, it constricts my heart.
“You can tell me to shut up if you want. I don’t mean to pry, I was just curious.”
don’t have to say anything you don’t want to. Your decision.”
I have a basic understanding of what originally happened, and some of the details since then, but I don’t know everything, and I hadn’t felt right asking her so soon into her recovery.
She takes in a deep breath and lets it out in a shudder. Clasping her hands together she looks at the two of us before focusing on her hands again.
“You’re not prying. I suppose I should offer you both an explanation after all the kindness you have both showed me. It’s just—” another sharp breath, “—I don’t get a say in the matter, because it’s not my choice. It gets taken away from me, along with my life.”
“Your life? What do you mean?”
“Each time I regenerate, it’s because… because I’m murdered.”
Killian’s face goes a stark white, fear and anger coursing over his features. “Murdered?”
She responds with a miniscule nod.
“How? What? Why?” His words ramble out as he perches onto his knees, staring up at Alina. He places a hand on her knee and tries to meet her eyes, she simply turns away.
“You don’t have to say anymore. It’s up to you. No matter what I will be here.”
Trying to reassure her seems a bit pointless. My mistress told me a lot about the legendary phoenix, just not exactly how everything happened.
“I need to tell someone. I’ve carried this around on my own for so long. I… I just need to find the right words. I just don’t know how. I… I just can’t.”
Her lips tremble as her eyes glaze over with tears.
Killian doesn’t take his hand away, if anything he tries to edge closer.
She pushes him away as she curls her arms around her like a shield, tears running silvery tracks down her cheeks.
Seeing this strong woman begin to crumble before me is enough to stop my heart. I have never seen someone suffer this much. Being a pet of a goddess doesn’t grant me much freedom amongst others.
Witnessing my beautiful Alina trying not to break apart worries me. She is strong, I know she is. I can sense it within her, her power, her resilience. So much potential within such a delicate creature. She just needs to realize who and what she is.
“Alina. It’s okay. Just let it out. I’m here, so is Killian. You are safe. We will keep you safe. Please Sparky, it’ll be alright.”
“I just… I just can’t. For so long. It never stops. When will it stop Shadowbolt, when? The memories are all I have, but they torment me.”
“It’s up to you what you tell us, just please don’t shut me out.”
I can sense the agonizing pain in her mind. I wish I could make her torment stop. I wish I could help her more. But I’m trapped. Unable to hold her to comfort her. I feel at a loss.
Bound by the rules of my Goddess, I am powerless.
I know Shadowbolt is trying to comfort me. Whispering words of encouragement to stop my tears, regardless they fall.
The pain from my years of solitude and nightmares encase me in anguish and sorrow. It holds my heart in a vice like grip, crushing until there feels like there’s nothing left in its place.
I need to tell someone. Maybe if I do, it won’t hurt so much.
I look to Shadowbolt, who’s now so close I can feel his breath whispering over me.
Killian is at my side, staring with wide eyes, unsure of what he can do. I reach for his hand and he takes it without question, his eyes softening as he leans in closer to me.
I close my eyes to take a calming breath. I might as well tell them.
Clearing my throat, I begin, “it was so long ago, but it’s still fresh in my memory as if it happened only yesterday.”
Many Centuries Ago…
“What do you mean I’m a phoenix? What’s one of those? How does that explain how I managed to murder a man with fire from my own hands?”
I can’t help but shout at the poor old man.
It was only a few days after the incident in our village and we had been on the run ever since. Scraping by on any food we could find or what Branor could hunt.
This amazing man not only stayed by my side after everything that happened, he has also tried to make me as comfortable and happy as possible. Making sure I had plenty of food and water, even if it meant he went without.
When we arrived in this new town, we had heard about a wise old man who apparently was a mystic of some sort. It was Branor’s suggestion that resulted in us sitting before him.
“As I said, my dear. You are a phoenix. A mighty creature with the ability to produce fire, rapidly heal yourself and others, and you can regenerate after death. Truly a magnificent specimen. There’s really nothing that can stop you, you are powerful. No one could be more blessed to be such an amazing creature.”
The old man’s tired, weathered face grins at me, revealing blackened teeth from either eating too much sugar or smoking a pipe.
My thoughts are so jumbled by what I’m hearing.
Branor’s large hand engulfs mine by my side and my eyes lock with his. So much affection filled within the depths as he smiles fondly at me.
“I always knew my Birdy was special. Just never realized how my nickname for you was so close to the truth.”
“Wait a minute, can I change into a bird then?” I quickly ask breaking eye contact and staring at the old man.
He chuckles in response, “It is possible, my dear. But you would need to really be in tune with your powers before doing so. It’s an extremely hard skill to master. You would probably find it better to focus on how to control your fire and your healing abilities to be truthful.”
“After… an incident I could heal myself, but not Branor’s wounds. If I have healing abilities, why could I not heal him too?”
“They probably haven’t been awakened yet. Each of your powers need time to be fully accessible. They are linked to your emotions, whether they are happy, sad, angry, or scared, an extreme of one emotion would trigger a power to be awakened. These things take time my dear, try not to worry,” he replies as his wrinkled face beams back at me.
“Umm, you mentioned regeneration. Does that mean I can’t die?” I glance to Branor. The thought of watching him age and die scares me. I don’t want him to leave me.
“You can still die. Not necessarily by age or by normal methods. You will be immune to most things. They will still hurt you, but the wounds would be unable to kill you, unless they were inflicted by a weapon made of iron. But unlike everyone else, you will be reborn. Not as an infant, but as yourself.”
“But what… what about Branor? What will happen to him?” I look back to my love, frightened of the answer.
“When you have your healing abilities you will be able to heal him, maybe slow down his aging slightly. But I’m afraid he will still grow old and die just like most humans, my dear.”
Tears gather in my eyes at the thought of losing my best friend, the only man I have ever loved. How would I be able to bear with the loss?
“It’ll be alright, Birdy. That will be years away. We can live in the moment and worry about the future another day. I love you and I’m not going anywhere. I promise you.”
I flick my eyes from Shadowbolt to Killian to see they are both still watching and listening to me. So, I carry on.
The next few summers passed us by in a flurry of finding somewhere to call our own and just spending time with each other.
In the four summers since Branor claimed my maidenhood, our lives had turned into any excuse to touch each other, working out what new sensations we could pleasure each other with. He was the most affectionate and gentlest lover I could ever hope for. Every time it felt like he was showing me more of his love, sharing more of his heart.
Even now, in the damp dark cave, he has me sprawled out across his body so I am comfortable. I know there must be some jagged rocks piercing into his back, he just insists my comfort comes first, no matter how much I protest.
He always puts me f
irst. After everything, he still stays by my side. My one constant in an ever-changing world. I truly love him with everything I have.
He fell asleep a short while ago, his soft snores echoing around the cave, lulling me into a peaceful sleep, holding onto my love, my everything.
I awake from my dreamless sleep coughing, or at least trying to.
My skin feels hot and tingly.
The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as if a cool breeze was blown across it, freezing the skin it grazes.
I try to open my eyes, but they feel glued together.
My mouth feels full and I can’t hear anything.
I can’t breathe.
Everything is muffled.
I can’t see. Why can’t I see?
I finally manage to force open my eyes, but I can’t see Branor.
I crawl on my hands and knees to the rock pool and look down at my reflection in the water.
I stare at my face reflecting back. My eyes are wide and red, but that’s not what concerns me.
I watch in horror as my mouth suddenly opens and a thick black moving mass comes out of my mouth and ears. What on earth?
The mass begins to move, separating into hundreds of smaller blobs.
I can’t make out what they are from my reflection, so I step back and bring my hands to my mouth grasping at whatever is there.
Opening my hands, I see dozens of thick bodied black spiders with long spindly legs crawling over my fingers and up my body.
More pour out of my ears and mouth, swarming me in their hundreds.
More and more.
I stand, clawing out every inch of myself trying to pull them off, trying to stop the shivers that course through me at the feel of their legs whispering over my skin.
I shudder trying to shake them off.
My skin crawls. I want to rip it off.
Thousands of legs touching me, creeping over every inch, spreading out.