Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Read online

Page 7

  “You were born to protect Alina, not to destroy. Yes, you have the power to defeat Gods, but only you can decide how you use it.”

  “Please, for the love of everything, do not say ‘with great power comes great responsibility.’ If you do, I will not be held accountable for my actions. Got it?”

  “Message received. You definitely suit your new moniker, Sparky.” The cheeky bastard chuckles.

  “Whatever you say, Miggles.”

  “Now, don’t start that again. That’s a shit nickname and you know it.”

  “Hey if you can call me, Sparky, then I can call you, Miggles.”

  I watch as he gives out a frustrated snort before turning away from me.

  “So, what now?”

  “Now, you head up to the house and try and live a normal life for as long as possible.” He answers peering back at me over his shoulder.

  “I... I don’t know if I can do that. Wha...what if I let my guard down too much and you or Killian get hurt. I don’t need more on my conscience,” I reply, wrapping my arms around myself. This seems to have become my default setting lately.

  “I don’t think you could ever let your guard down, you’re too highly strung.”

  “I would be careful with what you say, you think I’m bad now, try pissing me off and you’ll see how ‘highly strung’ I can be.” I glare back at him. All he does is chuckle in response.

  “You know what, I can’t be bothered to deal with you at the moment. I swear you’re just trying to make me angry. I’m going to go find out more about what Killian wants me to do around here.”

  “Fair enough Sparky. Hey, I don’t suppose you could find me some food, I’m starving. Just not apples okay, can’t stand them.”

  “What do you want then? A porterhouse steak and a baked potato on the side?” I quirk my eyebrow at him.

  “Fuck. That sounds heavenly. Can I request butter and sour cream for the potato too? Ooh, maybe some whiskey to wash it down?”

  “What? I’m not going to get you steak and a potato. As for whiskey, forget about it, I’m not having an inebriated horse. I’ll go check and see if Killian can go get you some horse feed.” I answer turning to head out of the barn.

  “What about tacos? Or pizza? Come on Sparky, I don’t wanna eat horse feed, do you know how disgusting it is? Please, Sparky, don’t make me eat that.”

  I ignore his pleading as I walk up to the house. He keeps listing off various junk food until his voice is too faint to make out. Such a strange animal.

  I jog up the back-porch steps and make my way into the house. I can’t see Killian in the lounge, I don’t want to check the bedrooms for fear of prying, so I walk along the hall toward the kitchen.

  I tentatively step into the room and see Killian standing over by the fridge with his back to me, where he’s scribbling something down on a notepad attached to it.

  His handwriting is relaxed and easy flowing, just like him. From where I’m standing, I can’t make out any words, but it appears to be a list.

  “Do you have a habit of peering over people’s shoulders or is it just lucky me?” He tilts his face toward me with a smirk.

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to pry,” I reply, taking several steps back until my lower back hits the edge of the kitchen island.

  “Nah, I’m only kidding with you, Love. I’ve nothing to hide. Just making a list of all the jobs I need to get done before I can reopen the farm.”

  “Okay. What will you need me to do?”

  “Truthfully? I really need help with general cleaning and painting. I managed to get most of the repair work done already. One or two of the outbuildings need a new roof, but I can manage that alright. Look, you don’t have to do anything for a few days, at least get yourself settled and then we can worry about that,” he answers with a warm smile.

  “Tha… thank you so much Killian. I can’t explain how much this means to me. I just feel like no matter how much work I could do for you, it’ll never be enough to repay your kindness.”

  “Tell you what, if you really think you need to do more, then maybe you could tell me more about you. I’m fascinated by the fact you’re a mythical creature and you’re actually standing in my kitchen, talk about head rush.” He chuckles lightly, staring at me with his molten chocolate eyes. He reminds me of a lovable puppy.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything. How old you really are, how often you’ve...what did you call it? Regenerated. Do you often have accidents with your fire thingy? Ooh, ooh, have you ever accidentally burned your eyebrows off?”

  “My eyebrows?” I ask with a perplexed smile.

  “Yeah. When I was in fourth grade, a couple of my mates dared me to let off a firework. Of course, me being an idiotic twit, I went to light it and forgot to stand back. The bloody thing exploded and poof, no more eyebrows. My dad was fuming when I got home. He grounded me for a month, which luckily was during the school break and gave them enough time to grow back.”

  “What? That really happened? No wonder your dad was mad at you.”

  “Ha, he never let me live that one down, especially considering they grew back really patchy. I still have this spot right here that never grew back properly. I always thought it made me look like a rebel, my dad however said I looked like a plonker.” He points to a spot on the edge of his right brow where, sure enough, there’s a faint gap.

  Looking to the ground, I shake my head with a smile, “no, I can’t say that has ever happened to me. I technically can’t burn myself though.”

  “Cool, well, I guess I mean hot, I mean, do you feel hot when you’re making fire? Shit that makes you sound like a caveman. Fuck I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”

  His eyes appear wide and innocent compared to the many people I had met before him. Yep, definitely a lovable puppy. “No, you’re not rambling. I imagine it’s usual to ask lots of questions when you encounter something new.” I give a small smile.

  “No, no I am rambling. I have a tendency to do that. Truth be told I’m a bit of a nerd. I love books and movies. I dabble in different things such as woodwork and painting. I even had a go at making my own video game even though I don’t really play them. I love learning new things. I’m always full of questions, which some people say comes off nosy. Probably why I’m sort of alone here. I mean, I’m not now because you’re here, but—” he inhales briefly and gives me a tiny shy smile, “—fuck, my dad was right. I do go on a bit. My apologies.”

  “Please don’t ever apologize for an inquisitive mind. It feels good to have someone to talk to. Well, besides Shadowbolt that is. Damn, I almost forgot he said he was starving.”

  “He said? Oh, you mean he’s acting hungry?” Killian asks.

  “No, I mean he actually asked. He wanted steak or tacos, but then for some reason it changed to lasagna, then fried chicken. Anything but horse feed which he says tastes like dirt.”

  Killian’s eyebrows furrow and his mouth hangs open.

  “Wha… what?

  “Oh, did I forget to mention? Shadowbolt can talk, only in my head though. Gods, that makes me sound like a nutcase.”

  His joyful laugh chimes through the air, the beautiful sound becoming muffled as he bends a little holding his stomach.

  I wait until he’s finished. He straightens up and wipes tears from his eyes.

  “Man, I haven’t laughed like that in months, maybe years. I have a feeling me and you are going to be great friends,” he says with a lazy smile, his eyes glistening with humor.

  “Now, let’s go grab Shadowbolt some food before he tries to break in and ransack my kitchen.”


  I hear Alina’s laughter filter in through the doorway before I even see her.

  I watch as she stumbles through the opening with her arms full of something green, giggling. Fucking giggling, really?

  Killian strolls in after her and nudges her shoulder against his in a friendly gesture.

  I feel a su
rge of jealousy at their buddy buddy display.

  I’m meant to be the one comforting her.

  I’m meant to be the one who makes her laugh.

  I can’t hate Killian for making Alina feel that way. He’s a good person. I can sense how pure his heart is, how all he’s probably ever wanted to do was to help people. But I do feel envious it’s him, and not me, causing her happiness.

  “Someone seems happy, care to share?” I question her.

  “Yes. Killian was just telling me about his late father’s girlfriend. Apparently, she was meant to be a live-in carer for him, but really all she did was attempt to sink her hooks into him and then tried to make the place her own, hoping he’d pass away and leave the farm to her.”

  “Are you talking to him now? Is that why you sometimes get that spaced out look?” Killian interrupts, looking from Alina to me and then back again.

  “Hmm, oh, yes, sorry. He was asking me what I was smiling about. So, I was just telling him about your father’s girlfriend.”

  “Ex-girlfriend. My father was lucid enough toward the end to tell me he never wanted a relationship with her. He hated that she tried throwing herself at him and he never intended to leave the farm to her, it was always going to be mine,” Killian answers looking at me as he does.

  “What’s so funny about that?”

  “Well,” she says out loud, probably for Killian’s benefit, “apparently, she arrived for the will reading not long after Killian’s father had passed, expecting to receive something. But when the will was read out, he—” she stops, trying to choke back a laugh, “—left her a load of manure, with a note saying, ‘take a swim in this, that way you can smell like your attitude, full of shit.’ By all accounts she wasn’t best pleased with that outcome.”

  “No, she wasn’t. She stormed out so fast, she forgot to take all her throw pillows and blankets she left everywhere. Hasn’t come back for them. Last thing I heard, she’s a few towns over trying to butter up some other old man.”

  “Ah, that explains why it looks so feminine in the house. Well, umm, at least I presume that’s the reason. You didn’t mention if you had a girlfriend or a wife. I wouldn’t want to upset anyone by being here.”

  Killian suddenly looks really shy, his cheeks turning a perfect shade of red. He rubs the back of his neck looking to the floor, before raising his eyes up a little to peer at Alina from underneath his lashes.

  “I. Umm. No. No, there’s no wife, or girlfriend. I haven’t had a girlfriend in ages. Not since my father’s illness got worse. The uh, the ladies around these parts didn’t want to play second best to a sick old man. So, they haven’t bothered with me to be honest.”

  The poor guy looks so bashful, it’s quite endearing.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Alina replies, offering Killian a shy smile.

  “Ah no, not to worry. My father was always my first priority, if they couldn’t understand that, then that’s their problem, not mine.”

  “Well, this is all good and fun. But can anyone tell me if they have any food for me? I’m bloody starving,” I quip, gently pushing my nose against Alina’s head to gather her attention.

  “Oh shit, sorry. Yes, we have food. Killian just dug those carrots up for you,” Alina replies pointing to Killain who holds up a large handful of carrots, complete with green leaves.

  “Carrots? Carrots, are you messing with me? Where’s my steak?”

  “There’s fresh grass too,” she nods down at the armfuls of green stuff she’s carrying.

  “Do I look like a rabbit to you? Last time I checked I didn’t have a fluffy white tail.”

  “Well, you either eat this or you don’t get anything, understand? Killian worked hard pulling these up for you and cutting the grass. The least you could do is eat it,” she mentally snaps at me. Yep, definitely Sparky.

  “Yeah and I bet it was hard work for you too. I mean it must have been so difficult to observe him pulling up the carrots and cutting the grass, his biceps working, the muscles firm and bulging. Maybe a little sweat trickling down his forehead and landing on his shirtless body, trailing over his chest, glistening over his taut abs. I mean, I would imagine he would have been shirtless, wouldn’t want to get it dirty now.”

  I notice with glee how Alina’s face turns almost the same shade as her hair. Yeah, I bet she’s imagining that now. I know I am.

  I have a feeling that the three of us together are going to have a great time. Especially if it’s this easy to make them blush.

  This is going to be so much fun.


  To say that I’m in a constant state of confusion would be the understatement of the year.

  How in the world do you try and rationalize everything that has happened in such a short space of time? Only one answer, you don’t.

  I walk over to Shadowbolt and offer him the carrots, which he seems to begrudgingly eat. I look over to Alina who seems to have a spaced out look on her face and bright crimson cheeks. Hmm, I wonder what caused that.

  “Are you okay, Love? You look a little warm. Do you need to go outside for a bit and get some fresh air? I can stay here with Shadowbolt for you.” I smile over to her, and her eyes meet mine as her cheeks turn even redder.

  “Umm, yeah. That’s probably a good idea. I… I’ll just leave this here,” she places the grass on a nearby hay bale, taking another quick look at me, then to Shadowbolt before heading out the door.

  “Well, it’s just you and me now, Boy. Alina said you can talk to her, like in her head? Can you do it with everyone or just her? Because it would be kinda awesome to be able to talk to you.”

  Shadowbolt shakes his head a little in what I presume is a no.

  Well that sucks.

  He leans his head to the side, probably in agreement.

  I make a mental note to ask Alina more about Shadowbolt, and about her as well. So many questions plague my mind at the moment I’m not sure where to begin,

  I lift my hand up to run my fingers through Shadowbolt’s thick glossy mane. He really is a beautiful animal.

  “Shame, I can’t really talk to you. It would be awesome to know what’s going on in that head of yours. I’ll just have to get Alina to interpret.”

  He lets out a small whinny and tosses his head back a little, shaking out his mane.

  “Did I hear someone call me?”

  Alina appears in the doorway, arms folded and a small smile playing on her lips.

  “Uh no. I was just telling Shadowbolt I wished I could hear what he’s thinking and maybe you could tell me.”

  “Ha, you really don’t want to know what goes on in that head of his. It’s not really for polite conversation,” she chuckles stepping closer to us.

  “Now I really want to know.” What could he be saying that she’s not telling me?

  “Honestly you don’t. Just trust me, I have your best interests at heart.”

  “If you say so. I still think it would be interesting.”

  I turn away from them and pick up the discarded grass. Moving back toward them I offer it to Shadowbolt. He takes a few sniffs before finally taking a bite. He really doesn’t look impressed.

  “Sorry, Boy. I really don’t think human junk food would agree with you, so this is the best I can do.” Smiling, I use my free hand to pet his muzzle.

  “He really doesn’t like you calling him, Boy you know.”

  “Huh? What? Why?”

  “He says it makes him feel emasculated,” she simply states, her eyes glimmering with humor.

  “Well, what would he like me to call him?”

  She listens for a moment before turning beet red and stuttering out a cough, “I… I can’t say that!”

  “What did he say?” I grin looking between the two.

  “Umm, I really don’t feel comfortable repeating what he said if that’s alright?” she replies facing away from me.

  “Oh.” Yeah, it totally sucks I can’t understand him.

  Not wanting t
o cause any more embarrassment to the poor woman than I already had, I look at Shadowbolt, taking in his features.

  “How about just Shadow? Would that work?”

  “He says it’s not as good as the name he wanted you to call him, but it’ll work.”

  She moves to face me again, her cheeks starting to return to their normal color as she gives a nod in answer.

  “Well, now we’ve got that out of the way, what should we do now? It’s still a little early for lunch and I want you to relax for a day or two before we get to work on the farm, so the choice is yours.”

  “Well… uh, if I’m going to be staying here for a while, I’m going to need more clothes. As comfortable as these are, I will eventually need a few more.”

  Her voice sounds timid, almost as if she was worried I would be angry she wanted more clothes.

  “Yes, of course. We could make a trip into the nearest town if you’d like?”

  “Oh, wait a minute. There might be some clothes in my dad’s closest that may fit you. His ex left several things behind when she left. You’re welcome to have a look.”

  “Really? That would be great.” There’s that small smile again.

  I grin back at her, “as you wish.” Bowing low gesturing to the door, “after you, M’Lady.”

  Her tiny smile breaks out into a beautiful grin which illuminates her whole face.


  I’m not one to fall smitten so quickly, or to have my head swayed by just any pretty girl. But there is just something about this woman that calls to me, begs me to find out more. Her life, her story, her secrets, everything.

  Maybe I’m just a silly fool who’s been cooped up on my own too long.

  Alina heads toward the exit, peering back over her shoulder to Shadowbolt as she says a quick goodbye and I follow close behind, not really looking ahead, more down.

  Damn, she has a lovely ass.


  Heading back into the house is still a weird feeling, considering this is meant to be my home for the time being. I’m still in awe of Killian’s kindness.

  “Just head down the hall and up those stairs. My dad’s room is the one at the end of the corridor,” Killian mentions pointing in the direction of the stairs I hadn’t noticed were there before.