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Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Page 13
Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Read online
Page 13
“You mean like how he forgot about you when he was fucking me against the wall? You really think I didn’t know you were watching?” He looks down at my finger, then looks me in the eyes, “he will always come back to me, just wait and see.”
“Not if you’re dead.” I remove my finger from his chest before walking away.
“Can’t kill me. God remember?” he shouts back.
I look over my shoulder as I continue walking, “for now.”
She was right when she said that I take delight in the pain and suffering of others. I do. I love to hear screams, begging, pleading, anything like that. I especially love it when they struggle. The fact that Dray is jealous just spurs me on.
Of course, I knew she was watching. Probably enjoying what she saw, though she’s so clouded by her extreme lust for Ebris she’ll always deny it. Maybe she believes she’s in love with him and that’s why she behaved so compliant and docile in his presence.
I know differently. She’s just as spiteful and vindictive as me, maybe more so. She is a woman after all. I’m sure they thrive on that shit.
As for Ebris, rewarding me for my hand in the destruction of the village, I can’t help but have conflicting feelings about it all. On one hand I want to please him, make him happy so he prefers to stay with me. On the other, I want to snap his bloody neck.
Ahh, the idea of Ebris’s pale neck surrounded by my red fingers makes me fucking hard. I know I’m currently spent, but all I can think about is returning the favor to him. Impaling him on my cock, maybe with Dray joining in too. I want to take her ass so hard she’ll bleed all over me. Now that’s a delicious idea.
I know I have sick perverted tendencies, that’s just who I am.
She and many others may think I’m stupid and not aware of things happening around us.
But, as always, they are wrong.
Did Dray really think I didn’t know about Zevanna’s little pet being created? They must think I’m really stupid. I hate them all. But no matter. I’ll find her and make sure she has no way of getting close to me. If the legends are true, which usually they are, her fire has the power to destroy and kill gods.
But what my dear Dray neglected to mention is, at the moment she’s a human infant. An easy target. I just need to find her and kill her before anything triggers her powers.
Or maybe I could use her powers for myself. If I kill Draythys, then there’s really nothing standing in my way from Ebris being mine completely.
Nah, that really is a stupid idea. If I even let one of Zevanna’s pet’s fingers touch me, I’m toast. I probably know more about her powers than she’ll ever know, and it fills me with satisfaction.
Twenty-seven summers.
Twenty-fucking-seven summers I have tried to find that little bitch.
Every time I thought I had gotten close, she disappears.
Zevanna had hidden her very well indeed. I didn’t find out until after she had already killed a man, she had been concealed in a little church all along.
When I heard about her roasting a man to ash, I was in a state of awe and dread. So much power was contained within such a small form. Power that could destroy me and others like me.
Of course, I had gone to the village to find her, but she had already left. The villagers were most helpful when I asked them questions, especially after a little torture. They told me she had run away with a young man named Branor. That’s when I realized I had found a way to get close to her without hurting myself.
I hunted for the two, always getting near, only to find they had disappeared again. Then I heard a rumor that a couple was living in a cave on the outskirts of a small town and I knew I had finally found them. Of course, I went to the cave. Played a little mind game on the woman. I would have loved to play around with her some more, but unfortunately, I knew I couldn’t touch her, otherwise I would be disintegrated in seconds. Shame, she's such a pretty thing. So I played my mind games until I could completely destroy any hope or love that she may have had. It was so much fun.
Then began the extremely fun task of breaking down her mind.
My poor sister was losing it.
I hear her talking to herself when she believes no one is watching. That in itself should not be strange, everyone has a tendency to talk to themselves every once in a while. It is more about what she says. She rambles on about Ebris. About how he should be with her and not Vemnos. She is jealous of the fact Vemnos spends more time in Ebris’ bed than she does.
She resigned herself to the fact Ebris would never just settle for her, so she started plotting ways in which to kill Vemnos. Of course, there was the phoenix created by Zevanna. She was common knowledge by now, but merely a child with powers not awakened fully.
So Draythys looked for other ways to destroy him until she could use the phoenix to kill him. She does hold the power to turn gods mortal and mere humans immortal, but only if they so desire it. She tried on multiple occasions to convince Vemnos that he should become mortal, whether through getting him so drunk he could barely stand, or trying mind games of her own, nothing would work. And without the person’s consent, she could not use that power.
I keep holding out hope that she will just forget about Ebris and look for someone new, but it seems her heart is set on him.
So many summers have passed and yet she still pines for that asshole. Doesn’t matter he beds anything, breathing or not, she still loves him. I would have stepped in ages ago to stop her, but it’s difficult when I know she would never listen to anything I have to tell her.
I did try though. I felt as her twin brother I should. I begged her to find someone else to care for, she told me to go away. So many times I tried, she just doesn’t ever listen to me. All I want is peace, I am the God of Tranquility after all. But no. She’s stubborn and headstrong. She believes she knows exactly what she wants. To top it all off, she has the absurd notion Ebris loves her back.
How can she think that when he is constantly bedding someone new? And I mean constantly. Vemnos seems to be his favorite plaything. They are always together. If anyone was going to have a relationship with Ebris, it would be Vemnos. They’re both as sick and twisted as each other. They enjoy tormenting and torturing people in any way they can. They both make me sick.
The stories I have heard of all the crimes they have committed together haunts me, disgusts me. But with them working together, there is hardly any way to stop them.
Lucky for me, Ebris is an obnoxious talkative person, believing that no one has the power to destroy him, so he tells my dear sister everything, including anything Vemnos tells him.
Such as Vemnos’ plans to prevent the phoenix from getting to him.
Apparently, he recently found her and played a few tricks with her mind, testing to see how far he could push her before she snapped.
He is so terrified of her powers he will stop at nothing to destroy her.
So when he was making his plans to keep her ‘entertained’ as Ebris called it, Zevanna, Neris and I were making our own plans.
As long as the phoenix could continue regenerating, then she would remain unstoppable.
So, each time she was tortured and murdered, I would teleport next to her and carry her away from Vemnos as quickly and quietly as I could.
Out of all the gods and goddesses my teleportation is the least noticeable. Zevanna’s appearance would have alerted Vemnos too easily, as her vines and roots were too visible. As for Neris, well, when she appears the ground cracks in two, not exactly stealthy.
So it was up to me. I could use the wind to conceal my movements and hide her among the shadows when Vemnos’ back was turned.
After all this time, he still hasn’t worked out how she disappears. From what Draythys has told me, it angers him so much he snaps at Ebris. Which I know upsets my sister because it means they have tons of hate sex.
I wish I could make her see Ebris is no good for her. In the long r
un he’ll only make her suffer. He already is, if her mental state is anything to go by.
Even though my sister is the Goddess of the Underworld, she is still a somewhat kind person. People believe she is evil and twisted like Ebris and Vemnos, but they are wrong. Sure, she is a bit messed up in the head, but anyone would be if they spent their days around dead people.
She is my twin. I know her almost as well as I know myself. She’s not vindictive or hurtful, she just wants to be loved. As do we all.
I am thankful to her. If it wasn’t for her incessant pining for Ebris, I would never have found out Vemnos' plans for the phoenix.
It feels weird to call her phoenix. I know her name is Alina. I know what she looks like, how she talks, how she moves, everything. But I must call her phoenix to distance myself. She is not mine to have. As long as I can keep her safe, then I will be satisfied.
I just wish I could do more.
It’s excruciating to watch from the sidelines as Vemnos carves into her, wearing her lovers’ body as a shield. I thought Vemnos was dumb, but he was smart enough to realize that although he cannot touch her for fear of being incinerated, he can touch her through the possession of a human.
That’s what he has been doing all this time, using that poor man as a buffer between him and Alina, just so he can inflict unspeakable amounts of torture on the poor woman.
I remember the first time I was sent to collect and move her. She looked so small and helpless. The marks and slashes across her skin filled me with rage unlike I have ever known.
I realized in that moment I needed to be quick when I moved her, for when she starts the regeneration process, she burns hotter and hotter until her entire body is consumed in a raging fire that burns her body down to smoldering ash, only for a new form to appear.
When I touched her, her skin was so intensely hot it scorched my hands, arms, and torso. I still bear the scars from that and many more I have gathered over the years. I would never blame Alina for my scars. She is unaware she creates them. She is unaware of me and it needs to stay that way. People shy away from me now because of my marks, turning away, saying I am hideous now I am scarred. It doesn’t matter, I wear them with pride, knowing I am doing something honorable.
The amount of times that I have pleaded with Zevanna and Neris to let me take Alina away sooner are too numerous to count. I want them to let me take her somewhere safe, where Vemnos would never be able to find her. Every time they both tell me no. They say things have to happen for a reason and that both Zevanna and Neris have put plans into action that will not only save Alina, but destroy Vemnos as well.
I despise them for that. How can they willingly sit by and watch the poor woman suffer?
Their reasoning is that all these attacks are making her stronger, more resilient. Are they even watching the same woman?
Can they not see with every passing attack she closes herself off from the world more? True, she may have become stronger over the centuries, but at what cost? What is the point in having an all-powerful phoenix as a weapon, if her mind and heart are closed off.
All the pain and suffering she has been through and continues to go through cuts me to the core. I am a God, why must I be prevented from helping someone truly in need when she suffers? Because of stupid prophecies and rumors, she must continue to go through this torment. How is that fair on her?
At the moment, there is nothing I can do but watch and listen out for the next attack. Maybe one of these days I will reveal myself to her. Tell her she has never been alone, I have always been watching over her, protecting her in the only way I am allowed.
But I swear that even if it takes me centuries more, I will find a way to save her.
Even if it kills me.
Stupid Vemnos.
Stupid fucking asshole.
I hate him so much. Why can’t he just fucking die already?
Centuries. That’s how long I’ve waited, centuries. How can Ebris prefer that cretin over me? What does Vemnos have besides a dick?
I despise him. I’ve tried everything to kill him with no luck. I just wish the phoenix would hurry up and kill him already. If it wasn’t for the fact he parades around wearing her lover as a damn Halloween costume, he would be roasted by now.
Why do humans have to be so sentimental? One touch is all she needs. One fucking touch and Vemnos would be nothing but ash. Oh, how I can’t wait for that day. For Ebris to realize Vemnos was never the one for him.
I am his true love. I know it. I can feel it. I just wish he would acknowledge me.
I know he will never be completely mine. His appetites are too strong. I shudder at the thought of some of the vulgar things he likes to do. But it doesn’t matter. I love him.
One of these days he’ll realize he loves me too, I just know it. My brother thinks I’m going crazy. He doesn’t understand. No one does. My silly brother has begged me so many times to forget Ebris, doesn’t he realize I can’t?
I don’t care if he’s twisted and perverted, I know with my love and care I can make him a better man.
The God of Death and Destruction and the Goddess of the Underworld are meant to be together. They must be. Otherwise, I have wasted centuries.
I know I am right.
Once Vemnos is gone, everything will be as it should. I will stop at nothing to make him mine. One of these days he will learn I am the only one for him and he’ll soon forget about all those whores he messes around with.
Mark my words, Ebris will be mine.
Present Day
The noise around me sounds distant, as if muffled.
I blink through my tears, gazing at Killian’s still form. His blood coats my fingers. He’s still warm. I can see his chest slowly rise and fall as he takes his last breaths. I need to use my healing powers but I’m frozen to the spot. What if it doesn’t work?
Looking up I barely register Shadowbolt charging at Vemnos. I watch him swerve and dart around him, kicking his legs out but not actually hitting anything.
“You can’t hurt me, you stupid horse. If that precious phoenix can’t attack me, then what makes you think you can, you dumb animal?” Vemnos snarls, batting his hand out at Shadowbolt.
“Stupid? Dumb? Does this fucker know who he’s talking to? The only stupid creature I see around here is you.” I hear Shadowbolt snarl back, as he rears up again.
“Aww, does the pretty pony want to play? It’s been a long time since I tasted horse. Looks like I know what I’m having for dinner.”
“Don’t touch him,” I shout out. A strangled gurgling noise jolts my attention back to Killian as he tries desperately to breathe. I need to do something now or he’ll die.
“You can do it, Sparky. Just try.” Shadowbolt’s words rush into my mind, hurried and sharp.
“What… what if I can’t?”
“Just try or he’ll be lost forever.” I try focusing on my healing ability and a small flicker of gold appears only to dissipate again.
“I can’t do it Shadowbolt. I’m not strong enough. What do I do? I’m losing him.” I shout out loud.
“Fuck! I’m not going to let you lose someone else. Fuck it all to hell! Please work!”
I’m trying to decipher his meaning when a white light wraps around Shadowbolt blinding me. I raise my hand to cover my eyes, straining to see what’s going on.
I can just about make out the shape of Shadowbolt and Vemnos, but everything else is hazy. I blink several times as the white light slowly disappears. My eyes slowly gaining focus again. The first thing I see is Vemnos staring ahead, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open.
I follow his gaze and my eyes land on Shadowbolt. Except that can’t be Shadowbolt, can it? My own eyes widen, my mouth drops. I know it’s Shadowbolt. But my brain can’t seem to focus on him. He stands there proud and majestic as ever. He looks exactly the same, except for one thing.
A huge horn protrudes from his forehe
A horn?
A fucking horn?
“You’re a unicorn?” I blurt out in amazement.
“Glad you noticed. No time for chit chat, I need to get rid of this asshole so I can help you.” I watch stunned as he charges forward again, pointing his horn directly at Vemnos.
Vemnos is standing still, dumbstruck and doesn’t move quick enough to prevent Shadowbolt’s horn impaling his arm. He stumbles back, clutching at his bleeding arm before he turns his menacing eyes on me. Bright blue streaks extend from the wound, spreading over his arm.
“This ain’t over bitch!” he sneers, before disappearing in a cloud of thick purple smoke.
Shadowbolt gallops over to me.
“Is he okay, Sparky?”
I feel for a pulse, but there’s nothing there. I’m too late. I couldn’t save him. More tears gather in my eyes as I feel my heart constrict and break a little more. I was too late again.
“It’s not too late, Sparky. Try again.”
“What’s the point? I’ve failed again! I knew he would get hurt! I should have left right away, then he wouldn’t be—”
“Now stop that self-pitying nonsense right now! It’s not too late. But it will be if you don’t suck up your emotions and focus on healing him right now,” he sharply snaps, his muscles tensing a little before me.
I glare at him. How can I save Killian when he’s already dead? Shadowbolt glares back, his intense blue eyes piercing through me. I lower my gaze to Killian, I suck in a deep breath and concentrate on my healing powers.
Gold swirls seems to flicker before fizzing out. I try again and again, but nothing happens.
“It’s hopeless. My powers don’t work on the dead,” I snap.
“Nothing is hopeless if you try. Please Alina, try one more time. I know it will work.”