Echoes of the Past (The Alina Chronicles Book 1) Read online

Page 12

  I can feel Killian tugging my hand away calling my name, just before Shadowbolt rears up and kicks Vemnos in the face.

  “You fucking asshole! You’ll pay for that!” He spits out a little blood as he glares at Shadowbolt again.

  Vemnos lunges forward again, the dagger ready to impale me once more, but I quickly kick my leg out sending him flying across the clearing.

  “Quick, both of you go now. Don’t go back to the farm, just get out of here. He won’t follow you as long as I’m here,” I call out quickly, regaining my balance to face them.

  “I don’t want to leave you. Come with us, please,” Shadowbolt begs.

  “I can’t. If I leave with you, he will chase us. Look, there’s no time to argue, just go. I won’t tell you again.” I push at Shadowbolt so he’s moving away slowly from me and I’m just about to get Killian to go with him, when I hear an angry roar bellow out behind us.

  Everything moves in slow motion as I see Killian running head first at Vemnos with a large branch, ready to strike.

  Vemnos glances to me with a sinister smirk.

  I feel my heart stutter as I see Killian nearly reach Vemnos, branch high above his head. “You bastard! I don’t care who you are. I’ll fucking kill you myself!”

  “Killian! No!” I scream, running as fast as I can toward them both.

  I’m not quick enough, and I watch in dismay as Vemnos takes the hit Killian delivers with the branch, before swiping it out of his hands. I watch in horror as Vemnos side steps a punch before he reaches out to clasp his large hand around Killian’s neck.

  “No!” Shadowbolt shouts in my head. He moves forward; I hadn’t even noticed he was next to me.

  “Let him go. You can inflict whatever you want on me, but just let him go.”

  “Now, doesn’t this sound familiar? Haven’t I heard you begging and pleading for someone’s life before,” he taps the blade against his lip. The move is so familiar, more shivers run down my spine.

  He brings Killian to his front and holds him in a headlock, placing the dagger at Killian’s neck. Killian tries to struggle against the arm, Vemnos just pushes the blade in further against his throat.

  “That was different. You have your shell, suit, whatever you want to call it. You don’t need him. Let him go,” I bite out, my nostrils flaring.

  “Why? What are you going to do about it, huh? You couldn’t stop me before, what makes you think you can now?” he asks cocking his head to one side.

  “Why must you always hide behind others? Why can’t you fight me yourself?” I query, trying to focus on a way to get Killian free.

  “Hide? I don’t hide, you little bitch. Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? I’m a God, you and your little friends are nothing compared to me.” The blade presses further into Killian’s neck, a small slither of blood trickles down. Killian’s eyes are wide and frightened. “Although, thinking about it, I bet I could have some fun with this little friend of yours. He looks perfectly edible.” He grins sticking his tongue out and running it along Killian’s cheek. Killian flinches as Vemnos grins once more, “positively delicious.”

  “You will not hurt him. You’ve already put me through enough shit. If you’re such a powerful and almighty God, why can’t you grow a pair and actually tell me what the fuck you want?” I snap, stepping closer.

  “Ah, ah, ah. I didn’t say you could step closer. Just remember, one quick flick and I will kill him.”

  I stop. I don’t want Killian to get hurt. What can I do?

  “I could charge at him. You make a grab for Killian and then we’ll get out of here. All three of us.” Shadowbolt answers, nudging my arm.

  “We can’t, if either of us move, Killian’s throat would be sliced before we even made it within a foot of him,” I reply sadly. With no other choice, I realize I need to do the one thing I’ve never been able to in the beast’s presence.

  I feel my fingers tingle and warm, as my fire spreads through me. I glance down to see flames dancing across my fingers before looking up to Vemnos and Killian.

  Killian’s eyes are even wider and filled with awe and apprehension. Vemnos’ red eyes stare at the fire encasing my fingers and for a moment I see genuine fear, just before he blinks and meets my eyes once more. “And what are you going to do with that exactly?” he sneers. “Come anywhere near me with that and I’ll slit pretty boy's throat. I won’t hesitate. If anything, I would love to see his blood spill out of him. Then again, maybe I could have some fun with him first. What do you think?” Killian flinches again and I can feel my fire burn hotter.

  “Now, now, Little Bird. Put that shit away before you hurt yourself. You know if that fire gets anywhere near me, it’ll flame grill pretty boy too.”

  I know he’s right, but I’m reluctant to let my guard down again. “If I don’t use my fire, will you let Killian go and fight me properly?” I grind out, staring from my hands to Killian and then back to Vemnos.

  He looks from my hands, then meets my eyes with a sinister glint. “Nah. I don’t think I want to do that,” he answers with a menacing chuckle.

  I watch as Vemnos pushes Killian to his knees, his hand gripping hard to Killian’s hair, the dagger once again at his throat. “You never learn, do you? You will never stop me. I will take everything you ever loved, everything you ever cared about and destroy it, and then when you’re broken beyond repair, I will destroy you.”

  Killian’s wide eyes stare at me before he simply calls my name.


  “Flame the bastard now,” Shadowbolt angrily begs.

  Before I even get a chance to do anything, Vemnos has already made his move. I watch frozen in horror as he draws the blade across Killian’s throat. He slices him from ear to ear with one swift movement, then shoves him forward hard and Killian lands face first into the ground.

  I run forward, forgetting everything. Ignoring the sounds echoing around us. I carefully turn Killian over to see his pale face. His thick blood pours out as Killian chokes and splutters. I weep, pulling him closer.

  Not again.


  Many Centuries Ago…

  I hear the moans echo throughout the hall and I wonder what direction they are coming from. I was searching for Ebris to see if he wanted to join me later for a bit of fun.

  Being the Goddess of the Underworld can be sort of boring, considering it’s filled with dead people.

  Who is moaning?

  “Take it harder!” I hear a voice shout. It sounds familiar, but I’m not sure why. I continue walking until I reach Ebris’s bedroom. I go to knock against the paneled wood when a loud moan rings out from within.

  What the fuck?

  I try the handle and notice it’s unlocked, so I turn it and open the door a slither. I peer through the little gap I created, but I can’t seem to make anything out, so I open it some more.


  Ebris’s bare back is facing me; but that’s not all. He’s completely naked. His white skin glistens as sweat glides over his muscles. Perfection. I stand there in awe of the beautiful man before me. His long hair trailing down his back to his firm butt cheeks, which I notice are clenching and unclenching.

  That’s when another loud moan echoes around the room.

  “You like that? Are you my bitch, boy?” Ebris smooth voice rasps out.

  “I ain’t nobody’s bitch,” I hear another familiar voice call.

  “Really? Because you’re taking my thick cock like a bitch, aren’t you, boy?” Ebris arches his back as he leans forward. My eyes finally focusing on who he’s talking to and who he’s currently buried balls deep in.


  His red skin is such a sharp contrast to Ebris’ white. Ebris long thin fingers are firmly gripped around Vemnos’ black horns, using them to help him push in and out. Pounding into him with such force, it makes my pussy cry with want.

  How could he?

  I thought he wanted me. That’s what he told me whe
n he was fucking my ass last night.

  How dare he?

  I’m about to storm into the room to pull him away and shout at him, when I see him roughly grab Vemnos and stand holding onto his horns as he crashes him into the wall, just before he aggressively thrusts back in.

  I creep quietly into the room to better hide in the shadows. I can see both of the faces scrunched up in pleasure. His black talon nails scrape along the side of Vemnos’ throat and blood trickles down the side of his neck.

  Ebris inhales the metallic scent before running his tongue along the red stream. He laps at it like a tiny kitten drinking milk, before he bites down into Vemnos’ throat. His sharp teeth puncturing more of the skin until more blood flows out, which he greedily drinks.

  Vemnos' moans become desperate as Ebris thrusts into him harder and harder, pushing his face into the stone wall with his hand clasped firmly around Vemnos' throat choking him.

  I watch transfixed as Vemnos' fingers wrap around his crimson cock working himself into a frenzy.

  Both of their moans echo around the room and I can’t help but stare at the pure aggression Ebris is using as he fucks Vemnos hard against the wall.

  I can see his gloriously thick cock moving in and out of Vemnos’ ass. I can feel my body responding to the sight before me. It’s hot, no question about that. But Ebris is mine, not his. That should be me he’s drilling into, not him.

  They carry on, not realizing they are being watched, or not caring. Ebris’ thrusts become more punishing as he chokes Vemnos until his black eyes roll back in his head in pleasure.

  Vemnos’ hand is a blur jerking himself off in time with Ebris' aggressive pounding. I watch in a mixture of awe and disgust as pure pleasure crosses Ebris’ features and he lets out an animalistic grunt. I know he has finished, probably filling Vemnos’ abused ass to the brim with his thick, salty cum.

  Vemnos follows not long after, with his own release coating his fingers and splattering the wall in front of them. Ebris pulls himself out and away from Vemnos as he wraps his long fingers around his slowly softening cock, stroking it a few times.

  “Next time you’ll agree with me, won’t you?” He spits out, glaring at Vemnos with hatred.

  “Not if you’re going to fuck me like that again, I won’t,” Vemnos grins. His eyes meet mine and I swear his grin gets bigger. “We’re being watched,” he laughs, “surprised you didn’t want to join in Dray.”

  Ebris turns to look at me, no remorse, or any emotion for that matter, shows on his features. “Oh, hey Dray. Didn’t see you there. Did you enjoy the show?” He slowly smirks back.

  I glare back at him as I bite my tongue from unleashing my anger on him. I wouldn’t normally, but I don’t want to give Ebris a bad impression of me.

  Vemnos straightens and starts walking toward where I am barely concealed by the shadows. He struts across the room proudly, his cock bobbing as he moves. I watch as he wraps his hand around it, coating his fingers with his cum. “Next time you see us going at it, maybe speak up and we’ll let you join in.” He steps closer, my breath mingling with his. “I would love to feel your pussy wrapped around my cock as Ebris fucks me from behind. Maybe have a little taste of you too. What do you think?”

  I glare at him, his black eyes tinged with purple stare back, a sickening smile on his lips. I know exactly what he wants to taste. Both him and Ebris have a taste for blood. Only last night, Ebris had his teeth piercing my breasts drawing blood as he lapped and sucked at them.

  “I would never let you touch me in that way. You make me sick,” I spit, my saliva hitting him in the eye. The hand that’s not currently wrapped around his cock wipes my salvia away. And still he grins.

  “I prefer it when my women struggle anyway. I like them to fight back. Makes it more fun,” he leans close to my ear as his voice drops down to a whisper.

  I’m all for a bit of domination, but what Vemnos is suggesting sickens me. I don’t want this vile creature touching me. He’s the God of Malice and Trickery for a reason. He takes his fun from others pain. “You will never touch me that way, you disgusting piece of shit,” I snarl shoving him away.

  “Oh, you say that now dear Dray, but I bet you would change your mind if you just had a little taste,” he replies, before moving the hand which had been wrapped around his cock and reaches out to smear his cum across my lips.

  His bitter taste coats my lips and I stand there stunned.

  How fucking dare he!

  I roughly shove him backwards until he stumbles back, laughing hard. “Don’t fucking touch me!” I snarl at Vemnos as he continues laughing. “Are you just going to stand there and do nothing?” I glance to Ebris.

  He raises a perfectly arched eyebrow in question as he shrugs, “not my problem Dray.”

  “What? What do you fucking mean, it’s not your problem? Make it your damn problem,” I demand, storming up to the still naked Ebris.

  “And why should I do that? Hmm? I don’t see how it should have anything to do with me. You’re a big girl, are you not? Send him to the Underworld for a bit, maybe have a little fun. You never know, maybe you’ll like the way he gives it. I know I do.” The bastard smirks, licking his lips as he ogles Vemnos.

  “I thought you wanted me. What about all the times we were together? Do they mean nothing to you?”

  “Look Dray, I like you, don’t get me wrong. But there’s no way I’m going to limit myself to you or anyone for that matter. That’s just the way it is.” He shrugs again walking away to grab a cloth to wipe himself. Even though I’m angry at him, I can’t help but admire the way his ass moves when he walks. Damn, that’s a nice ass. I feel Vemnos’ hand snake around my waist pulling me against his chest.

  He leans in so his breath whispers against my ear, “so how about it Dray? Fancy showing me what you can do? Maybe Ebris will watch. Or would you prefer him to join in? I’m happy either way.” His thick fingers trail across my waist and downward, the movement makes me shudder with repulsion.

  “Don’t you dare fucking touch me!” I shout, at the same time I throw my head back colliding it with his jaw.

  “Oww, you bitch! I’ll fucking kill you for that!” He snarls ready to lunge at me.

  I hear a dark chuckle behind me. Ebris hand lands on my shoulder as he looks at Vemnos. “Boy, you do realize we’re all gods? We can’t be killed just like that. And besides, in a fight, my bet would be on Dray here.”

  “What do you mean, you would bet on her? I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve. I could easily mess with her so much she would be begging for death.”

  “See, that’s your problem. You’re cocky and arrogant. Have you forgotten she controls the Underworld? She controls the lives of everyone, one snap of her fingers and everyone’s life force would be drained. So I’m asking you, do you really want to mess with someone with that power compared to you, who only has his tricks and games?” Ebris’ cool voice purrs out. He wraps his other arm around me and I lean into his touch. Any anger I felt toward him soon dissipates when he moves his hand from my shoulder to stroke it down my body before curling around my waist.

  “I thought you loved my cockiness? That’s why you keep coming back for me, isn’t it?” Vemnos smirks.

  “I don’t love anything, other than death and destruction, that’s why I am the God of it,” he places a kiss on top my head before releasing me and walking away, “I like to reward my toys when they please me. After what we did to that sweet little village, I thought you deserved a treat and I gave you one.” He walks over to sit on the edge of his bed, leaning back to stare at the both of us. “See, I like the both of you, simply because you please me. Stop pleasing me and I’ll stop liking you. Simple as that. Now you can both go, I’m tired and I don’t wish to be disturbed any longer,” he says waving us away. “Oh, and Dray? I expect you to be back here tonight,” he says with such authority there can be no mistake it was a demand and not a request. Vemnos gives an exaggerated bow before strutting out the door, still

  I reluctantly follow after him. As we exit the room and round the corner, Vemnos quickly turns, grabbing me by the throat and pinning me up against the wall, leaving my feet to dangle.

  “Listen here bitch, he’s mine. I don’t give a shit if you’ve had your fun with him in the past, that stops now,” he spits, edging his face closer to mine. “Now, if I ever see you in his room again, I will slit your throat, got it? I don’t give a flying rat’s ass if you’re an immortal Goddess, I will find a way to kill you, gut you like a fish, then fuck your corpse.”

  I snarl back at him, “I’d like to see you try. The way I see it, I’m the one who holds the most power here. My brother happens to be all friendly with dear Zevanna and a little birdy told me she’ll soon have a way to destroy gods, even you,” I smugly grin.

  He looks at me with contempt, “what do you mean destroy gods? Everyone knows that’s impossible.” He releases his hold enough for me to work my fingers through his hand and push him away. I give his chest a forceful shove, hard enough that he hits the opposite wall.

  “Exactly as I said. Ebris was right, you are cocky and arrogant. You’re not the only one with tricks up their sleeves. See, I do this thing where I talk to other people and use my brain to listen to them. I know that’s probably super difficult for your miniscule brain to comprehend, but that’s just what people do.” I fold my arms across my chest, glaring at Vemnos, who is still naked.

  “I don’t care what shit you may have heard or think you know, compared to me you’re worthless. Ebris prefers me in his bed rather than you. No one wants a limp, frigid blue freak like you,” he snaps.

  “Frigid? Ha, is that what you believe? You’re even more deluded than I already thought you were. I expect the only reason Ebris takes you to bed is because you offer up a little bit of a fight. Nothing compared to me, mind you, but still. That’s what he craves. I may have been a fool to think he only wanted me, but I’m not an idiot. I know he likes to be aggressive and inflict pain, that’s just what he does.” I step up to him, crowding his space with a finger pointed to his chest, “you may think you’re his favorite, but I’m telling you now, he will forget you easily enough.”